The Patriot Post® · Lynch, 'Climate Change' Is a Joke

By John Washington ·

There are people who believe the whole climate change bedtime story nonsense. They have bought into the notion that the earth is going to burn up, even though back in the 1970s the earth was going to freeze to the core. Not really sure what changed in 20 years. Then, in the 1990s, we have Al Gore running about in his limo, after riding in his personal jet, to give a speech about global warming. Oh, and Gore made sure his car was nice and cool as it was left running for an hour during one of his Chicken Little, the-earth-is-burning-up speeches. We also have examples of brain dead Hollywood fools like Leonardo Dicaprio spreading the excited delirium about climate change, while also following his hero’s example by jetting around the country on his own jet. Or world leaders flying to France to talk about climate change and dropping thousands of tons of carbon into the atmosphere. You, however, better buy a Prius, put solar paneling on your roof, wear Birkenstocks, go smoke copious amounts of weed, putting more pollutants in the air, then complain about carbon emissions from vehicles that are operated 100% on gasoline. This is what you do. You “climate change” believers are hypocrites and live in a world that is constantly changing, making your environment argument less and less believable.

In fact, you scream in the faces of those who do not believe this farce. You get so mad that you have the Department of Justice discussing civil penalties for those who deny climate change. Can anyone say Orwellian? Is this really being discussed with Justice Department head Loretta Lynch? We have domestic terror groups, who call themselves Social Justice “Warriors,” and Lynch does not condemn what they are doing. Nah. That’s not a big deal. It does not matter they are looting and burning down cities. Never mind that police officers are being assaulted by the mobs of animals. Global warming…no, climate change, or whatever it is called this week — that is a big deal.

The Justice Department must defend “settled” science. If this whole subject is settled science, then why is Lynch discussing civil penalties for the First Amendment right to challenge this subject? Why do they want to shut up the critics for something they claim is true? They say, “Ah, well, science says so.” Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just wait a minute. These scientists that you are talking about, who funds them? Who essentially pays them every other week? It is you, the government. I have had many debates online with these idiots who believe this climate change garbage. They always, I mean 100% of the time, say, “Well, NASA says so.” They are too ignorant to do simple research as see that NASA is, you guessed it, government-funded. When liberal progressives are running things, and they are responsible for the funding of NASA, whatever the givers want the takers will say. As the saying goes, just follow the money.

This topic has become so politically polarized that there is no way I can believe this nonsense is true. Apparently, there are voters that agree with me on this subject. Barack Obama, along with his liberal progressive minions, will push this nonsense on us. They will even go so far to say that climate change is more of a threat than terrorism. What? Wow. I did not know that. Wow. Well, I am waiting for these mercenaries called Climate Change to start showing up on the news cutting of people’s heads, drowning Christians in cages, and setting Jordanian pilots on fire. I’m patiently waiting. They must be on MSNBC, or CNN, which I do not watch, admittedly.

This administration is show bent on getting all of the terrorism off of the news cycles while Obama is in office. They will even blame terrorism on climate change. Yes, you read that correctly. The terrorists cannot find jobs due to raise emission levels, thus making them angry and turning to radical Islam to slay Christians and other Infidels. So by this theory, Islam would be a peaceful religion if it was not for climate change. Well, folks, there you have it. The mystery to world peace has been found. If we mindlessly follow what the federal government says, then we can solve climate change, have world peace, and Islam can stop being unfairly blamed.

What really is interesting to me is that these government-funded climate “scientists” like to ignore a couple of facts about the weather. The first one they will not talk about is that we have been through multiple ice ages. They will ignore the excess forming of ice, then the earth warming to dispel the ice without the help of man, or an “excessive amount of man-made carbon dioxide.” The earth warmed itself to melt the ice. Dare I say the earth has done it since the day of creation? Yes, I do. Secondly, the liberal progressives will cry and scream about the North Pole losing ice, but they will ignore the fact that climate change scientists are getting stuck in the Antarctic ice. Oh sweet irony. It is even sweeter when the rescuers get stuck in the ice and require another rescue squad to get out.

Even if all of these points and facts were proven not true, I have a problem with one thing. I cannot take climate change alarmists seriously when they say that cow belching and flatulence cause global warming. This is the most absurd claim about this whole fairy tale. Anyone who has the ability to think on the level of a jellyfish should realize there is something strange about a group who says this topic is “settled science,” then makes this insane claim.

The Department of Justice needs to recognize we have the First Amendment. This allows us to speak out against the government, which is actually NASA in this case. Loretta Lynch is a liberal progressive who is using her position to attempt to shut up the opposition. As human beings, we have this draw to worship either directly or indirectly. In the liberal progressives’ case, the environment is their god, and the “findings” of their own scientists are their preachers. It is heresy to oppose what they say, according to them.

Loretta Lynch and no one in the government has no business even “simply discussing” any type of penalty for climate change deniers. We are free to say what we want against this highly politicized garbage.

Yes, we should take care of what our Creator has provided us with. However, he also put our Founding Fathers in a position to write the Constitution and guided their hearts and minds through the process. And fortunately for us, He guided them to the First Amendment.

So, Loretta Lynch, move on to something more important and that is actually a threat to this country, such as, I don’t know…terrorism.