The Patriot Post® · Discrimination v. Discrimination

By Tom Davis ·

Discrimination is just another of the words having, in essence a double meaning. When we look at flowers, we discriminate between shapes and colors in order to identify them. An unsighted person may use the sense of touch and olfactory sense to discriminate and thus identify.

In the matter of so-called discrimination against homosexuals and homosexual conduct, it comes down to the old saw; “It takes one to know one.” Though there are several mannerisms that lead a non-homosexual to conclude that a given individual is homosexual may lead to error, the blatant and annoying arrogance of out-of-the-closet homosexuals leaves little choice to the straight citizens who regard homosexuality, as does God, an abomination.

We in the straight community would rather not have to deal with in-your-face homosexual conduct such as that displayed recently at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

The rude, crude downright filthy behavior by the pro-homosexual gangsters who interrupted a Catholic on-campus ceremony was one of the very reasons homosexuals become the target of dislike, even hatred.

Homosexuality in all its forms is antithetical to the tenets of every known religion on Earth and in some societies is punishable by death. The LGBT advocacy groups appear to have an inordinate amount of influence over President Obama’s actions. Their influence appears to have caused Obama to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act and labeling a standing piece of legislation, “Unconstitutional,” a declaration he has no legal power to exercise and for which he could well be subject to impeachment proceedings.

The homosexuals’ claims to the right to marry has no more validity than does the claim by a nudist that he has the “right” to go nude anywhere he desires or for a thrill seeker to shout, “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Rights are spelled out explicitly in the Constitution; all else is privilege granted by contemporaneous society. When any act not protected as a “right’ becomes obnoxious, vexing or a breach of the societal peace, it can and likely will be banned by local law, ordinance or proclamation. The public display of public and broadcast homosexual affection has just about reached that point. To the average normal American, such display is nauseating and does not have the sanctity of ‘right.’

Gay bars, nightclubs, theaters, etc are available to those tending in that direction and, if they must, go there for the semi-private carryings-on or confine ‘gay’ activities to the residence with the shades drawn. Statistical studies indicate there are about two homosexuals in every 300, so you folks of that persuasion are far from a majority. Keep you salacious behavior out of the public; you are to farcical to deserve serious consideration. Keep the term HIV in your mind.