The Patriot Post® · The Time Is Right

By Tom Davis ·

The United States has proved, beyond any doubt that her intelligence community and her military are among the world’s best. These superb men and women tracked spent nearly ten years of concerted efforts to track down and eliminate Usama bin Laden. Our sole purpose was to accomplish just that. The suggestions that bin Laden received any assistance from our ally, Pakistan, are moot. President Asif Ali Zardari stated unequivocally, “Any suggestion that Pakistan is protecting terrorists is baseless speculation.” Quoted from UPI World News, May 3, 2011.

Thus should end America’s presence on the ground in Afghanistan and in Iraq. We accomplished our mission. We should maintain a military presence only if President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and President Talibani of Iraq request that we do so. A status of forces agreement agreed to by the appropriate agencies should limit any activities by American Forces to Self Defense and training of host-nation security forces.

Any military agreement(s) with Pakistan must be about mutual defense pacts whereby The United States provides such military action as requested by President Asif Ali Zardari. In a very straightforward, it is obvious America has sacrificed more than enough in the cause of world peace. Almost 4500 Americans have died in Iraq since hostilities began in March 2003. Another 1453 have given their lives in Afghanistan. Add the nearly 3,000 killed on 9/11 and America has paid an horrendous price of nearly 9,000 souls.

Compared to the total casualties America suffered during the four years of World War II, the number is small but sadly significant. America is the better for its efforts to thwart despotism beginning in 1776 through today. Most assuredly, we will suffer more losses until the world comes to its senses and outlaws war. That is the ultimate prayer for humankind but so long as there are individuals with the desire to control their fellow travelers on planet Earth it is simply wishful thinking.

For the immediate future, we can pull back to our own shores with the satisfaction we have done what we said we would do, paid the price in lives and money. Political machinations and ego denied our valiant military the opportunity to affect a clear-cut victory; this time we can withdraw with honor. It is time to call it a day and bring our warriors home.

A final note Mr. Obama; no matter how often you use the first person singular, you are not a hero but simply a brand new cog in a well oiled machine. One might say you were in the wrong place at the right time. Doing that which one must do is neither heroic nor praiseworthy. You had the duty to throw the switch; it was not a life or death situation for you; it was for Seal Team 6!