The Patriot Post® · Move Over, Obama Girl: Maureen Dowd Wants Your Job

By Jim Collins ·

The woman who appeared in the “Obama Girl” viral video of the 2008 presidential campaign, where she fawned and groveled over how “cute” candidate Barack Obama is seems to have a print media competitor in the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd.

Dowd’s column today, “Cool Hand Barack,” adopts the mien of gushy, girlish, idolatry of a “Bad Boy Obama” in her column about the “hit” on Usama bin Laden. It’s as though Dowd was some editorial Judith Campbell Exner, the alleged mistress of mob boss Sam Giancana, cooing over Jack Kennedy’s purported attempts to assassinate Castro using Chicago hit men. (I guess Kissinger was right about power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, at least for Dowd.)

Reading her column, one could practically hear the 50’s girl group, The Shangri-las, singing “The Leader of the Pack.” You can practically see Dowd with a black leather biker jacket with the Great Seal of the President embroidered on the back, over her shoulders, her arms wrapped around the waist of the president:

“They told me he was bad.
But I knew he was sad…
that’s why I fell for
the leader of the pack.”

Dowd’s fawning piece relates that “top generals” call Obama “Cool hand Luke.” In fact, the only general ever quoted to have done so is a long-retired Air Force partisan, Merrill McPeak, a co-Chair of the Obama campaign whose sharply partisan attacks on John McCain in 2008 raised eyebrows even among his retired former colleagues. Dowd’s unattributed quote seems as though it came from an Obama campaign press release, in an attempt to revive the canard that Obama is beloved by the military establishment. (We’ll find out for sure when Bush holdovers Bob Gates and Mike Mullen, who both opposed president’s Libyan action, retire later this year and start talking for the record.)

Imagine if George W. Bush had ordered

(a) the invasion of the airspace of a sovereign American ally;
(b) the targeted assassination of a terrorist who had not been convicted by any court; and,
© the disposal of his body, at sea, with only the word of the Bush Administration as evidence that he had been killed.

John Kerry would have been “deeply troubled” by invading an ally’s sovereign airspace, just as Hillary Clinton said she would be when then-candidate Obama proposed it during one of the Democrat primary debates. Democrats and their allies in the ACLU would be demanding a congressional investigation over the denial of “due process” from Bush ordering the assassination. And the lack of “real” evidence of bin Laden’s death would have set the left-wing bloggers at DailyKos into a firestorm of wild conspiracy theories, building further on their absurd notions that bin Laden (along with Saddam and Qaddafi) was a CIA double-agent who ordered the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to attack Iraq for oil.

Ms. Dowd would, no doubt, have joined the outrage, calling it “horrific” and “heartless” that UBL was killed, unarmed, in plain view of his wife and children. But this was President Obama, the “Hope” of liberals and Democrats everywhere ordering the assassination, and Ms. Dowd not only towed the liberal-left line that is the wont of the Times, she reveled in a Democrat president acting as though he was in “The Godfather.” The president, she wrote, was like Michael Corleone calmly acting “as godfather at his nephew’s baptism at church, even as his lieutenants carry out the gory hits he has ordered on rival mobsters.” “Oooohhhhhhh!!!!” (Sorry, Ms. Dowd seems to have become overcome…)

In fact, bin Laden was assassinated by really “cool hands,” really deadly professionals trained to a razor’s edge who, having skin in the game, never flaunt their successes or even mention that they actually exist. (The first rule taken to heart by members of Seal Team Six is, “there is no Seal Team Six.”)

So, if Ms. Dowd wants to swoon over a real tough guy, to fall for the leader of the pack, that biker jacket on her shoulders should have a patch that says “Navy SEAL.”

Just make sure it gets returned to the unseen, unknown, young officer that led the real “Cool Hands,” the quietly deadly professional SEALS, into unfathomable peril, then completed his mission, and returned his entire teach home safely.

He’s probably “at the candy store.” VROOM! VROOM!