The Patriot Post® · From The Comedy Store

By Argus Hamilton ·

Anthony Weiner announced in a two-minute video he will run for mayor of New York. It’s odd that political pundits consider him a liberal. Anthony Weiner is the only Democrat with documented proof he’s committed to growth in the private sector.

Congress heard testimony on the IRS, the Justice Deparment and Benghazi from whistle-blowers. It was relentless. The last time President Obama heard this many whistle-blowers he was taking five steps to the basket in an attempt to make a free throw.

President Obama said he didn’t know the IRS targeted Tea Partiers and he didn’t know the Justice Daprtment spied on AP reporters, and he didn’t know at first Benghazi was a terrorist attack. It’s a smart strategy. By telling us he doesn’t know anything, he’s trying to convince us that Joe Biden is already president and we can skip the impeachment.

President Obama declared victory in the War on Terror. He urged Congress to repeal the Force Authorization Act passed after the September 11th attacks. He’s going to Cairo next week to accept al-Qaeda’s surrender from Mante Te'o’s imaginary girlfriend.

Germany was rated the most popular country in the world in the BBC’s annual world rating poll, with Japan second. Iran and North Korea finished at the bottom. It just proves that if you build quality cars it goes a long way toward making up for old war crimes.

President Obama told Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate the Justice Department’s spying on AP reporters. Action was swift. Within the hour, Eric Holder cleared Eric Holder of any and all crimes and recommended huge compensatory damages.

President Obama told Attorney General Eric Holder to probe the Justice Department seizure of AP phone records. Eric Holder is the one who ordered the seizure. Under the terms of the sequester, we have to do everything possible to speed up these investigations.

Time magazine uncovered high school prom photos of President Obama and his date thirty-four years ago in Hawaii. It got everyone’s attention. The palm tree visible through the windows make it look like Hawaii, but the zebra next to the palm tree makes you wonder.

The U.S. Department of Education is reviewing a recent study that suggested different menus and different exercises for boys and girls in U.S. schools to fight obesity. The study claims that male fat is different than female fat. It’s true, male fat is canceled out by wealth.

Scarlett Johansson is among four actresses being considered to play the young Hillary Clinton in the new movie Rodham. It’s about Hillary’s life in Washington D.C. right after she graduated from college. Bill Clinton just offered to play himself if Scarlett gets the role.

China was accused of expanding its cyber-hacking into Western business and banking journals. It’s likely because the Chinese economy has begun showing signs of slowing down. Experts say it’s what happens when your workforce starts to enter its teens.

John McCain was in Turkey Monday when he jumped on a plane and paid a surprise visit to Syria’s rebel leaders in Syria. He risked being shot down to get there. It was really dangerous, but when they offered to do a fundraiser for him, he couldn’t turn them down.

Nancy Pelosi issued a seventy-nine page pamphlet of talking points for House Democrats to follow as they explain ObamaCare coverage. It’s flaky. Out of habit, the talking points blame stab wounds treated in the emergency room on an anti-Muslim video.

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