The Patriot Post® · He Who Walketh Amongst Us

By Arnold Ahlert ·

It takes a lot to creep me out, as the expression goes. But in the space of a single week, four stories have painted a rather disturbing picture with regard to the kind of person Barack Obama really is. And one other story epitomizes the extent to which our hopelessly compromised mainstream media are willing to go to shield Americans from that reality.

On December 1, Americans celebrated the courage of Rosa Parks, marking the 58th anniversary of the the day she refused to move to the back of a Montgomery City bus in 1955. After she was arrested and charged with a violation of the segregationist Jim Crow law, local civil rights activists organized an effective boycott of the bus system, based on the reality that 75 percent of those who used it were black Americans. The boycott, organized by the Montgomery Improvement Association, was led by a young Baptist minister new to the city. The Martin Luther King Jr.-led action lasted 381 days, and in 1956, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that segregation was unconstitutional. That ruling lent a great deal of legitimacy to the non-violent civil rights movement of the 1960s.

In short, Rosa Parks became an historical icon – which is why it is so disturbing to see how Barack Obama chose to celebrate that piece of history. In a tweet accompanied by a photo, Organizing for Action, the president’s former campaign apparatus re-invented as a non-profit “non-partisan" 501 © group, distributed a photo of Barack Obama sitting the in same seat occupied by Ms. Parks almost six decades earlier. "In a single moment 58 years ago today, Rosa Parks helped change this country,” stated the accompanying tweet. That would be Rosa Parks, not Barack Obama, who apparently remains oblivious to the creepiness of inserting himself front and center, even as Parks is nowhere to be seen.

An anomaly perhaps? A moment of ill-conceived judgement never to be repeated? No and no. On Thursday, following the death of Nelson Mandela, President Obama’s White House account tweeted a tribute to the South African leader – accompanied by a photo of Obama standing at Mandela’s Robben Island prison cell.

Perhaps tellingly, both of these “selflies” were posted only weeks after it was reported by the New York Times that “the White House Correspondents’ Association and 37 news organizations submitted a letter to the press secretary, Jay Carney, protesting what photographers said amounted to the establishment of the White House’s own Soviet-style news service, which gets privileged access to Mr. Obama at the expense of journalists who cover the president." "As surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist’s camera lens, officials in this administration are blocking the public from having an independent view of important functions of the Executive Branch of government,” the letter stated.

So, what’s worse than an unabashed narcissist?

The Boston Herald’s Howie Carr summed up the answer to that question in a single sentence. “Who are you going to believe, an illegal alien or the president of the United States of America?” Carr wrote, in reference to the reality that the White “suddenly” discovered that the president had slept on his uncle Onyango Obama’s couch while he was attending Harvard Law School. Back when Omar was arrested for drunken driving in Framingham in 2011, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney insisted the White House staff had "looked at the record, including the president’s book, and there was no evidence that they had met.“

Carney further insisted that the "mix-up” arose from the fact that none of those White House aides bothered to ask the president about it. "Back when this arose, folks looked at the record, including the president’s book, and there was no evidence that they had met,“ Carney said. "Nobody spoke to the president.” A year – and one election later – Carney has revised the record. "The president said that he, in fact, had met Omar Obama when he moved to Cambridge for law school, and that he stayed with him for a brief period of time until his apartment was ready,“ he declared.

Now, one can peruse the internet and find several quotes and/or psychological insights about what kind of person finds it necessary to lie about "the little things.” But I suspect most Americans with an ounce of common sense can figure it out for themselves. I’m guessing they understand that there’s a fairly seamless transition from lying about the little things, to lying about big things, such as the 37 separate occasions the president promised Americans they could their health insurance plans and/or your doctors.

Which brings us to our second story on this particular facet of the president’s personality. Once again, there appears to be a “discrepancy” regarding how many times Obama met with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in the three years following the passage of ObamaCare. An analysis by the Government Accountability Institute shows that, from July 12, 2010, to Nov. 30, 2013, the president’s public schedule reveals there were no one-on-one meetings between the two. A subsequent analysis of the Politico presidential calendar reveals one meeting on April 21, 2010, but even that one included former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Fast forward to last Friday’s press conference, when once again Jay Carney stepped up to “amend” the record, insisting that Sebelius met “often” with the president – but that those meeting weren’t recorded on official records. ABC’s Jonathan Karl wondered how meetings with other cabinet officials managed to be recorded, while those with Sebelius were not. Carney contended that “on-the-fly” meetings were not recorded, even as he assured incredulous reporters the HHS Secretary was someone who had “more frequent” meetings with Obama.

The beauty of this revelation is that Americans now know one of two things: either Carney is lying, and the president didn’t meet with Sebelius, or he is telling the truth and he did, on several occasions. In the first scenario, a chief executive who would remain out of the loop for three years regarding his “signature achievement” is massively incompetent. In the second scenario, the president's contention that he was "not informed directly" that the rollout of the healthcare website was going to be “problematic,” evens he ostensibly had “more frequent” on-the-fly meetings with Sebelius, utterly defies credibility.

Again it is up to the American people, millions of whom are, or will be, getting their insurance policies cancelled, to decide what “comforts” them more as they scramble to deal with this massive upheaval: a president who demonstrates a slacker’s level of disinterest regarding the takeover of one-sixth of the economy; or an inveterate liar who can’t even come clean about Uncle Omar, much less the massive and oft-repeated falsehood he knowingly perpetrated about ObamaCare.

Which brings us to our last story, one that completely epitomizes why our Narcissist/Liar/Slacker-in-Chief has managed to avoid even the remotest level of media scrutiny endured by his predecessors – in both parties. After he conducted one of the most fawning interviews of the president ever, Chris Matthews, the most reliable suck-up in the business, couldn’t contain himself. "He came amongst us,“ gushed Matthews to his fellow reporters.

The "st” added to “among” should “sayeth” it all, my fellow Americans.

There is a great deal of unease in America. There is a sense of unraveling that transcends the normal ideological disagreements that have roiled this nation to varying degrees throughout our history. Both sides of the ideological divide have endured presidents with whom they disagree, sometimes vehemently. Yet I’m getting the sense that millions of Americans of every stripe are now aware that we are in uncharted waters. We are being led by a man who is at once so very full of himself, even as virtually everything that goes wrong is either something he is unaware of, or someone else’s fault. It is remarkable that in the entire five years after this president promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America, not a single reporter has asked the ultimate question:

Transform it into what, Mr. President?

We have three more years to learn the answer. For millions of Americans, it doesn’t get any creepier than that.

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