The Patriot Post® · Another Job for Clarence Odbody

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Because it’s so easy and so much fun to belittle politicians, and because the fun isn’t limited to just Republicans or Democrats, we often lose sight of the fact that these folks are not members of royal families who inherit power the way others may inherit a farm or a family photo album. They actually have to run for office and be elected, even if their names are Bush, Clinton or Rockefeller.

That being said, can you even imagine how stupid people have to be to elect Sheila Jackson Lee to represent them in Congress for the past 19 years? In spite of having a BA from Yale and a JD from the University of Virginia’s Law School, Ms. Lee recently said, “We have survived for 400 years under a Constitution that defines what is constitutional and what is not.” Even if you overlook the fact that she hasn’t uttered a single negative word about the way Obama has trampled on both the Constitution and the House of Representatives, you would have assumed that a member of Congress would be aware that the Constitution is only 227 years old, not 400. I guess it’s safe to assume that those degrees owe far more to affirmative action than to Ms. Lee’s scholarship.

In New York, the recently-elected mayor, Bill de Blasio (born Warren Wilhelm, Jr.) has declared war on one of NYC’s few educational successes, charter schools. The reason is elementary. People like de Blasio and his fellow Democrats are so deep into the pocket of the teacher’s union there isn’t even room for lint.

The mayor would be a fascinating subject for a clinical psychiatrist. He decided to adopt his mother’s maiden name for his own, to forsake Catholicism for atheism and to marry a black woman who had previously been a lesbian. They met while both were serving in the administration of Mayor David Dinkens. (Dinkins, by the way, was such a disaster that from the time he left office in 1993, the liberal capital of America didn’t put another Democrat in the mayor’s office for 20 years. Strange as it may seem, Michael Bloomberg, a lifelong Democrat, ran all three times as a Republican.) Bill and the missus naturally honeymooned in Cuba.

In other news, Iraq’s Shiite majority, which came to power once we eliminated Saddam Hussein, is now looking to legalize marriage for men to girls as young as nine, and to allow husbands the right to have non-consensual sex with their wives.

The idea that a single drop of American blood was spilled in the defense of these creeps is obscene. If in the future, we have cause to fear attack from Muslims, we should be prepared to bomb them off the face of the earth, but never again should an American soldier’s life be risked on their behalf.

Closer to home, Warren Buffet is once again the world’s second richest man, having overtaken Mexico’s Carlos Slim. His worth is now estimated to be $63.4 billion, having increased by 4.3% just since the first of the year, proving that even in this pathetic economy, it’s still possible to do well if you’re a pal of Barack Obama’s.

Obama has managed to become the biggest scofflaw to have ever had the key to the White House. For in addition to his obvious contempt for the Constitution’s clearly specified separation of powers, he has personally seen to it that various federal agencies don’t enforce laws regarding drugs, marriage and illegal aliens.

In one of my favorite movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Clarence Odbody, Angel Second Class, decides to grant George Bailey’s wish to have never been born as a way to show him what a difference his seemingly nondescript life has made in the lives of others.

The differences range from his uncle winding up in a mental asylum and George’s wife Mary ending up a spinster. It also includes a thousand American G.I.s dying when their troop ship is sunk, because George’s brother, Harry, whose own life had been saved by George years earlier, wasn’t around to save theirs.

I feel that for the past five years, thanks to Obama, we Americans have been living in the hellhole Bedford Falls became once George wasn’t around to do battle with the town’s evil banker, the corrupt and soulless Mr. Potter.

Over the years, a lot of American presidents have been depicted on screen. Off the top of my head, I recall mediocre movies devoted to Andrew Jackson, both of the Roosevelt’s, Wilson, Truman, Nixon and, of course, Lincoln. It seems to me that if they ever get around to devoting one to Obama, they might consider calling it the third version of “Despicable Me.”