The Patriot Post® · Ferguson, Foley & Folly

By Burt Prelutsky ·

It’s a shame that the first time most of us ever heard of Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb with a population of 21,000, it was as the site of a race riot. It’s a shame because most of the actual villains are uninvited outsiders, consisting of race hustlers, ne'er-do-wells, journalists and Eric Holder.

A question that occurs to me is the same one that came to mind when all those kids from Central America showed up in Texas. Where did they come up with the money for the trip? Most of those arrested for rioting and looting in Ferguson have come there from New York, California and a lot of places in between. Are we supposed to believe they all hitchhiked? Certainly even these creeps aren’t stupid enough to spend good money getting there simply in order to make off with a few bottles of hooch and a few cartons of smokes. So, who the heck paid their way?

Another question that keeps kicking around in my head is why it is that every time some black community goes up in flames, the match is invariably some worthless thug, whether his name is Rodney King, O.J. Simpson, Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown.

Moreover, for decades now we have all been told that being called a boy is very nearly the worst thing you can call any black male, so that even black 13-year-olds expect to be referred to as young men. However, let some hulking brute like Martin or Brown wind up that rare victim who isn’t gunned down by a fellow black, and the media will invariably refer to them as boys and illustrate the news accounts with baby pictures of the young hoodlums.

As if it isn’t bad enough that Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon and Attorney General Eric Holder have already found Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson guilty of cold-blooded murder, and deserving of a lynching, it now appears that Amnesty International has shown up in force, having decided that what took place in Ferguson was a greater threat to humanity than what’s taking place in North Korea, China, Ukraine, Gaza, Syria or Iraq. It’s somehow reassuring when those who assume the moral high ground as their birthright behave exactly the way sane people assume pinheads will behave.

It’s bad enough having to listen to the lies and rationalizations of liberal politicians, along with the usual parrots perched in the Amen Corner – Al Sharpton, Juan Williams and Spike Lee – blaming black poverty, ignorance and violence, on white society, but after decades of welfare, affirmative action, minority-based business loans and Operation Head Start, it’s insufferable having to listen to such bilge from a black president and a black attorney general.

Throughout our history, people have come to America without a dollar in their pockets, speaking a variety of foreign languages, and made something not only of themselves, but given birth to children and grandchildren who made of America what the Founders imagined America could be. But as a group, only the black underclass has decided that the good life consists of receiving welfare and committing crimes. Tragically, the notion of getting an education, getting a job and getting married prior to having children, is dismissed as “acting white.”

All of that would be bad enough without liberal journalists and politicians defending that self-destructive attitude, and labeling as racist anyone who points out that white racism never seems to hold back Asians or even black immigrants hailing from Africa or the Caribbean.

Even Barack Obama, who insisted on calling the jihadist massacre at Fort Hood “workplace violence,” has managed to use the word “terrorism” in connection to the gruesome beheading of James Foley by a Muslim in Iraq. As you will recall, years earlier, another American journalist, Daniel Pearl, endured the same hideous fate.

The inhuman savagery of these acts highlights how imperative it is that we exterminate our sworn enemies in the Middle East, and not merely settle for holding actions and meaningless ceasefires. In a word, you don’t treat cancer with an aspirin.

As vile as the Nazis were, even they tried to conceal the worst of their disgusting atrocities. They didn’t immortalize the gas ovens in homemade videos or feature Dr.Mengele’s nightmarish operations in German newsreels.

The tragic, but inescapable fact of the matter is that Islam is the sort of religion that reptiles and swine would invent if they went in for that sort of thing.