The Patriot Post® · Liberals Are All Scaredy Cats

By Burt Prelutsky ·

There is a very good reason why liberals rarely become cops or join the military. It’s because they could get hurt. They will lie and pretend that it’s because they’re so very smart and prefer careers that call for them to use their brains. But I’m Jewish, so I know a great many liberals first hand. In addition, I live in California where you can’t swing a cat without hitting a bunch of them, which explains why I carry a couple of cats every time I leave the house.

I first became aware of this during the Vietnam War when just about every guy I knew at UCLA suddenly became a devout pacifist. Some of them even preferred falsely identifying themselves as homosexuals – getting left-wing psychiatrists to confirm their lie – as an easy way out. Anything was better than having army sergeants shout at them or having the Vietcong shoot at them.

Part of the reason they’re cowards is because they are raised to never hit back even if a schoolyard bully is taking their lunch money or their lunch. They’ve never been spanked for misbehaving. Instead, they’ve been given time outs, which involve being sent to their room to meditate on their questionable behavior. Of course it’s not their fault that their rooms resemble a Toys-R-Us warehouse and that their meditations usually take a backseat to their video games.

When riots break out, liberal politicians won’t even allow the police to bash heads because they’re so terrified of being compared to such racists as George Wallace or Bull Connors. But it’s also because to them, all blacks are alike and, therefore, sacred. They are incapable of seeing the difference between blacks who are trying to attend school or eat at a lunch counter and those turning over cars or burning down businesses. Political correctness makes cowards of them all.

A friend of mine thinks that granting amnesty to millions of illegals will force America’s poor – blacks and Hispanics alike – to realize that the welfare system is about to be overwhelmed. But I think his concerns are groundless. When it comes to doubling the number of people receiving food stamps or forking over billions of dollars to those claiming fraudulent disabilities, all the feds do is alter the plates at the printing presses, changing the denomination on the bills being run off from fives and tens to twenties and fifties. Problem solved.

I think it’s a stretch to call the material that lurks within the skulls of liberals “brains.” It’s more of a mix of mush, straw and horse manure. How else to explain the way Al Gore managed to turn tens of millions into Chicken Littles running around the barnyard clucking, “The earth is heating up!”

Obama, the biggest chicken in the coop, pats himself on the back for getting China to promise to adopt the FEA’s loony limits on industry as their own. Now, really, how stupid does someone have to be to believe that China will do anything that would diminish itself economically or militarily? This is a country that is building warships and submarines at a record pace, and is testing the waters, so to speak, not only in Asia and Africa, but in the Caribbean. We can’t even find out how far along Iran’s nuclear program is or how many chemical weapons Assad is concealing, but Obama is convinced we can hold China to a climate agreement!

It may have escaped Obama’s attention, but China didn’t even cease its cyber-attacks on our government, our military and our industries, while he was prancing around in that silly Mandarin jacket. It’s really not so amazing that he places so much faith in our worst enemies because it has become increasingly clear over the past six years that Obama doesn’t view America’s enemies as his own.

In addition, he has surrounded himself with a great many who share his distaste for America and Americans. The worst of whom is Eric Holder, who would seem more at home smoldering the flames of racial division in Ferguson than he is at the Justice Department.

His likely successor, Loretta Lynch is cut of the same racist cloth and it’s no wonder that she was handpicked by Holder when you learn of her background. While attending Harvard, Ms. Lynch belonged to the Black Law Students Association, which every year she belonged (1981-1984) invited representatives of the Jew-hating, pro-terrorist, Palestinian Liberation Organization to spew anti-Semitic bile on campus.

Lest you think that should be written off as merely youthful folly, more recently Judge Lynch described Voter I.D. as a throwback to the days of Jim Crow.

We are told by those in the know that Ms. Lynch was the most reasonable person on Obama’s short list to replace the vile Eric Holder that conservatives could expect. What does that tell us about the schmuck whose last truthful statement was that he planned to radically transform America?

Finally, I find it all too telling that Joe Biden defended allowing thousands of Central American children to enter the U.S. illegally, claiming it allowed them to “escape the poverty and violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.”

That pretty much sums up this administration’s approach to foreign policy: Never allow poverty and violence to fester somewhere else when you can bring it along with all those future Democrats to America.