The Patriot Post® · The Great Comeuppance Day

By Burt Prelutsky ·

In times gone by, people, especially those in small towns, would say about those in their midst who were best described as arrogant and narcissistic that they were riding for a fall. The local citizenry would long for the day the spoiled brats would get their comeuppance. Although the term has gone out of favor, the feeling remains.

But because the targets of this natural resentment often had great wealth, status or power, their victims usually had to accept that these good-for-nothings would continue to skate obliviously through life until God at last had His chance to deliver the appropriate judgment.

So it was that for six long years, I waited impatiently to see Obama do a pratfall on his keester, and on November 4th it happened. It came late, but better than never. Not only did Obama have to sit around for months watching one Democrat after another beg him to stay out of their state until after Election Day, but then had to watch the results on his TV as one state after another went bright red.

As a result, a one-legged duck isn’t nearly as lame as Obama now that Harry Reid can no longer prevent House bills from reaching his desk. While it’s true he can veto them, when the bills deal with things like the Keystone pipeline, lowering taxes and removing some of the more odious regulations related to ObamaCare and the environment, the voters will be noticing and by 2016, Democrats up for re-election may look back on 2014 as the good old days.

Speaking of Obama, I have grown nearly as tired of listening to Josh Earnest lie on his behalf as I was of Jay Carney. And while it’s easier to stomach Mr. Earnest because he lacks the obvious hubris of Mr. Carney, who used to appear to absolutely revel in his lies, the bigger the whopper the better, the job description remains the same. Whoever has the job has no other responsibility than to lie, fib and dissemble, on behalf of the con man in the Oval Office.

The position should be eliminated now and forevermore. This president, like just about every other president going back 60 years has found plenty of time to play golf, a game that abides by Parkinson’s Law, which states that work – or in this case, a round of golf – will expand to fill the time available for its completion. Well, if he has time to play 18 holes, he has 30 minutes a day to take questions from the press. I say let him do his own damn lying!

It recently occurred to me that Democrats shouldn’t have the donkey as their symbol. The donkey, after all, is a hard-working beast of burden. Instead, the lowly buzzard should be the Party’s symbol, because its diet is solely one of carrion.

Democrats feast on bad news, and the badder it is the better they like it, whether it comes in the form of festering race relations, a moribund economy, Islamic butchery, class envy or the usual natural disasters which they now insist are always the result of global warming or climate change.

Thanks to Obama’s criminality, tens of thousands of people in Mexico and Central America are packing up in the mistaken belief that citizenship and a golden piñata await them if they simply reach our border. Unlike Obama, they aren’t evil people, merely gullible.

That’s not to say that things shouldn’t be done to improve America’s immigration policy. First step on the agenda is to close the border. When Reagan signed the 1986 amnesty bill, he did it with the understanding that the Democrats would shut down the floodgates. It’s now been 28 years, and it is way past time to get it done.

Next, we don’t need comprehensive immigration reform, we need comprehensible reform, beginning with special treatment of those would-be Americans who are signed up all over the world and are playing by the rules.

Those who are here illegally should lose their jobs to American citizens because it is against the law and against commonsense that anyone should benefit from the commission of a crime, even though what should be a felony is presently treated as a misdemeanor. Jaywalking across a city street should be a misdemeanor, jaywalking across a national border should be a felony.

As for jobs in agriculture, those jobs that are always being paraded out as the jobs Americans won’t do, my solution is to have teenagers do them. We manage that by adjusting school semesters in rural communities to take breaks during predictable harvest seasons. The kids would be paid the minimum wage, and most of them would be delighted to be out of the classroom and outdoors earning money.

To make my plan work as it should, those American adults, not suffering from provable physical or mental disabilities, who are simply reluctant to bus tables, fry burgers or make beds, will be officially notified they have two weeks to find employment before their welfare checks stop arriving.

As I see it, there’s plenty of comeuppance to go around.