The Patriot Post® · I Hate the Sins & the Sinners

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I have never understood why people ever feel compelled to say they hate the sin, but not the sinner. I believe it was Jesus who first said those words, so I suppose Christians want to present themselves in the best possible light in hopes of getting a place with a pool in Heaven. Even though I’m not a Christian, I’m certainly willing to grant that Jesus was a much nicer guy than I am. Still, it seems fairly obvious that without sinners, those pesky sins would quickly disappear.

To my way of thinking, Barack Obama is the single biggest sinner in America. I don’t believe that anything he says or does is in the best interests of our nation. Instead, everything comes down to partisan politics with this schmuck, whether it’s attacking the police, refusing to green-light the Keystone pipeline or trashing the Constitution. On top of everything else, he sets a bad example for young people by being a hypocrite and a serial liar.

When George Bush doubled the national debt to roughly $10 trillion, Sen. Obama said it was unpatriotic, and, frankly, I agreed with him. However, over the past six years, Obama has encouraged it to soar an additional $8 trillion. On the traitor meter, that makes him a combination of Benedict Arnold, Tokyo Rose and Alger Hiss.

At the same time, his idea of a legacy when it comes to foreign affairs is to make nice with Iran. Even Obama isn’t so dumb that he actually believes that after a year of Iran’s stalling tactics, allowing them an additional seven months in which to keep their centrifuges spinning will end well for the United States, Israel or any of our allies in the Middle East. What is particularly galling is that Obama, taking a page out of Jonathan Gruber’s playbook, thinks we’re all so stupid that we actually believe that by his lessening the sanctions on Iran, he is increasing the pressure on the mullahs.

As you must have heard, another black 300-pounder has gotten himself killed in New York. At least unlike what happened in Ferguson, there does seem to be a legitimate question as to whether the cops handled Eric Garner appropriately. But is it really too much to expect black parents to tell their offspring that if you commit a crime, you should expect to be arrested. And when the cops come to place you in handcuffs, it is wise to be cooperative and not try to shove a cop around simply because you out-weigh him by 200 pounds.

Also, where is Michelle Obama in all this? I would have thought that by now, she would have gotten the word out in the black community that unless you’re seven feet tall, you have no business weighing 350 pounds.

So far as I know, Dorian Johnson, who lit the fuse in Ferguson, first by being an accessory to the robbery at the convenience store and then by lying about Michael Brown’s having his arms in the air and being shot in the back by Darren Wilson, has not been arrested. Where are all those protesters demanding equal justice under the law?

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that blacks never seem to demonstrate on behalf of anyone else’s causes or injustices? I see plenty of white fatheads all over America marching around with their hands raised, chanting “Hands up, don’t shoot,” but I never see blacks taking part when illegal aliens hold demonstrations or when white people are chanting about global warming or the International Monetary Fund. And I sure as heck never see them marching in a circle, condemning the hundreds of thousands of abortions of black babies that take place year after year.

I don’t even see them demonstrating on behalf of the honest, hard-working black citizens who are murdered every year by black thugs in places like Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. It’s only when white cops are on the hot seat, the very people who risk their own lives to protect them from their thuggish young drug-dealing neighbors, that they take to the streets in protest.

Well, there is the occasional exception. For instance, in the wake of the Grand Jury decision in Ferguson, some demonstrators carried a banner that read “Occupation is a Crime in Ferguson and Palestine. Resist U.S. Racism. Boycott Israel.” Anyone who believes anti-Semitism is limited to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, hasn’t spent a lot of time in black churches.

In spite of the forensic evidence examined by the grand jury in Ferguson and the fact, as County Prosecutor pointed out, that all the early witnesses who had parroted Dorian Johnson’s lies finally admitted they hadn’t even seen the confrontation, and that six black witnesses described it going down just the way Darren Wilson had, only 9% of blacks polled believed the verdict.

Speaking of sinners, Bill Cosby, in response to all the damning accusations hurled in his direction, said, “I won’t comment on innuendo.” Inasmuch as Mr. Cosby was a college graduate, as he used to constantly remind us, I would think he knows that “innuendo” is an indirect or subtle reference to a subject. When 20 women swear you’ve drugged and raped them, it’s not an innuendo, it’s a damnation.

For the most part, Cosby’s fellow celebrities have maintained a polite silence, which is so unlike them. Although on balance, you’d have to say it’s preferable to the overwhelming support they gave Roman Polanski when they petitioned the U.S. authorities to grant the fugitive from justice a travel visa in spite of his having drugged and debauched a 13-year-old girl.

The best thing that has come out of the Ferguson mess is that America has finally had the opportunity to meet Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a black man who has had the guts to take on Eric Holder and label him a race hustling troublemaker. I predict that in the near future, the voters in Wisconsin will see to it that law enforcement’s loss will be Congress’s gain.

Finally, I’ll share two signs that have recently gone viral. The first was “I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.” The other appeared on a placard held by some nitwit in Ferguson that read: “No mother’s son should have to fear for her son’s life every time he leaves home.” At least that’s how it read until some rascal with computer skills changed the last two words to read “robs a store.”