The Patriot Post® · The Devil Negotiates With Himself

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I was hoping that Hillary Clinton would see the political advantage in nixing the deal with Iran and putting some daylight between herself and Obama. Now we just have to hope that Senate Democrats, particularly those who will be up for renewal in 2016, will remind themselves that the lame duck in the Oval Office doesn’t have to worry about being re-elected.

On the other hand, perhaps they learned nothing from the fact that 14 of their colleagues have bitten the dust over the past five years, generally because they fell on their swords in defense of the Affordable Care Act. For all I know, perhaps they don’t mind no longer being in the majority. Maybe they relish the fact that they can now stretch out on their side of the aisle because there’s all that extra legroom.

Obama and Kerry pretend that the deal precludes our having to go to war with Iran. The truth is that we’ve been at war with Iran’s proxies for the past 36 years, ever since Jimmy Carter pulled the rug out from under the Shah, ushering in the worldwide plague of radical Islam.

Obama hasn’t brought us peace in our time, he’s merely ensured that when we are inevitably forced to go to war with Iran, they will have nuclear bombs to go with their long-range ballistic missiles.

Liberals are so terrified of armed conflict that they will go to any lengths to avoid even considering it. They sit in front of their TV sets and watch the Islamic State burning, beheading and crucifying, human beings for no other reason than that they’re Christians or the wrong kind of Muslims, and their only reaction is to go “tsk-tsk.” The mere thought of going to war with a rag-tag army of 40,000 driving trucks, lacking even the vestige of an air force, and they take to their beds with a collective case of the vapors.

The truth is that Neville Chamberlain had a far better reason to sign his pact with Hitler than we have for capitulating to the Ayatollah. For one thing, Hitler hadn’t spent the previous twenty years killing Englishmen. For another, England couldn’t rely on America, which was in the clutches of pacifists and the German-American Bund, and he certainly couldn’t count on France, which had anti-Semitism in common with Hitler and nothing in common with England.

For his part, Obama’s role model is obviously Humpty Dumpty, who told Alice that words meant whatever he wanted them to mean. President Dumpty forges a treaty with Iran, but insists it isn’t really a treaty, because that makes it easier for him to bully the Senate into compliance.

In Obama’s world, treaties aren’t treaties; and, as we’ve seen with Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, traitors aren’t traitors; and as we saw in Baltimore and Ferguson, thugs aren’t thugs and mobs aren’t mobs.

It took Pearl Harbor before the majority of Americans came to their senses in 1941. I hate to think what it will take to wake up Americans these days, but I fear it will be something like the incineration of Tel Aviv.

In order to be fair-minded about liberals, I try really hard to find something good to say about them. But I seem doomed to failure. It’s bad enough that they’re cowardly when it comes to our enemies. But they’re also hypocritical when it comes to their politicians compared to ours. They get in a tizzy when they discover that Marco Rubio collected four traffic citations in 17 years, but they barely raise an eyebrow about Hillary Clinton’s record of deceit and corruption.

They deride Christians who try to live up to the precepts of their religion, but, like the ancient pagans, they make gods of the oceans, the hills, the trees and even the lowly delta smelt. They can’t successfully provide health care for the masses or even for our military veterans, but they want to be left in charge of the weather.

They condemn Mitt Romney as a wealthy elitist, but they cheer the Clintons, who are far richer and who came by their money through graft and tribute.

Liberals insist they control the moral high ground, but turn a blind eye to Obama and the Justice Department’s insistence that blacks, even the most thuggish of them, are always in the right and the cops are always in the wrong. And when the Republicans take the IRS to task for illegally targeting conservatives, they even stoop to defending Internal Revenue and accuse conservatives of playing politics.

They condemn Republicans over the slightest hint of sexual transgressions, but rally around the trashy likes of Bill Clinton, Bob Packwood and Ted Kennedy.

If all else fails, the liberals always know they can fall back on raising the minimum wage, even though everyone knows or should know by this time that it means that many of the least-educated and least-equipped to survive in the 21st century will be let go because they simply aren’t worth $12- or $15-an-hour to their employers.

Because the liberals have no core principles, but merely a group of competing voting blocs, they often find themselves in a bind. For instance, left-wing environmentalists hate the Keystone pipeline, but left-wing unions want the jobs that go with it. Liberals hate fast food establishments because they are always far more concerned with the fat in their bellies than with the fat in their heads. However, they can’t hate them too much because if there wasn’t such a demand for burgers and fries, millions of illegal aliens and liberal arts college grads would be hard-pressed to find a job.

Like most Republicans, I thought Scott Walker’s announcement that he was running for president was no worse than most of the others. Alas, it also wasn’t any better, unless you happened to own Kohl’s department stores. I trust they will donate generously to Walker’s campaign after he delivered a 15-minute commercial lauding their prices, their men’s ware and their coupons.

I know that politicians hate it when I give them advice. But I happen to like Governor Walker, and I hope he heeds my counsel. It is a very bad idea to nod your head after every sentence you utter. We already assume you agree with yourself. But that incessant nodding not only makes you look less than presidential, it makes you resemble one of those dashboard doggies.