The Patriot Post® · Turn Off the Faucet

By Tony Perkins ·

In today’s world of reality TV and virtual video games there is very little that seems to shock the senses of Americans, so when something does, you know it has to be significant. The recent Planned Parenthood exposé videos appear to have startled many Americans out of their emotional insensibilities, leaving them wondering what kind of society we’ve become as so-called medical professionals casually negotiate the price of baby body parts over lunch. Most Americans would agree, scavenging baby body parts is inexcusable and morally reprehensible. And it should not be underwritten with our tax dollars.

That is why we immediately called on Congress to pass a moratorium of funding for the billion dollar abortion giant. Thousands of you have added your names to the petition calling on Congress to take this immediate step. We also sent a coalition letter today to House Leadership and the Chairmen of the Oversight and Government Reform and Energy and Commerce Committees, with over 40 signatures from other organizations equally outraged over these alleged atrocities.

Congress is listening! Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) and Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) have introduced legislation (H.R. 3134, S. 1836) that would do just that – prevent federal money from going to PPFA for one year from the date of enactment, giving Congress time to do in-depth investigations into PPFA’s alleged violations of the law. As Rep. Black said, “The one-sided relationship between Planned Parenthood’s ever-growing bank account and American taxpayers must be severed.”

Your tax dollars and mine would be much better spent going to reputable health care centers rather than funding this scandalized billion dollar abortion business that not only ends human life but scavenges them for parts.

Presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry couldn’t agree more. As I interviewed Governor Perry for this weekend’s edition of the Washington Watch radio program, I asked him if a moratorium was a proper response and call to action. Governor Perry replied firmly, “Absolutely.” He said the allegations are such that it should be easy to find Democratic support for this moratorium as well. If not, he would ask them, “Where is your common decency? Where is your understanding of right and wrong? Where is your morality?”

Senator Lankford agrees: “This is a sensitive topic for many and I am aware our nation is divided on the issue of abortion, but it is common sense that we shouldn’t force taxpayers to assist the harvesting of human organs.”

Indeed, common sense and common decency seem to be missing at Planned Parenthood, as well as at the corporations who willingly give their dollars to PPFA. The dramatic disconnect between America’s laws protecting against cruelty to animals and the silence on cruelty to unborn children is astounding. The irony is not lost on Erick Erickson who wrote satirically about the companies who subsidize Planned Parenthood in their unethical, inhumane treatment of mothers and babies.

Investigations are beginning at both the state and federal levels. America is sickened by the revelations about Planned Parenthood, while bracing for more exposé videos. It’s time for Congress to act by passing Rep. Black’s and Senator Lankford’s bills to withhold our money from subsidizing Planned Parenthood.

The Company You Keep

Yesterday, we told you about the list of companies who have contributed funds to Planned Parenthood, compiled by our friends at 2nd Vote. Well, that list has struck a nerve. The Daily Signal, who reported on the list, had three of the companies – Xerox, Ford and now Coca Cola – contact them to say that they had been “erroneously listed” on Planned Parenthood’s website and had asked Planned Parenthood to remove them from being listed as contributors. Are other companies to follow?

Americans are obviously upset that these companies and organizations are giving money to a group that is now under congressional and state investigations over trafficking in human organs. The March of Dimes, which is on the list, had its Facebook page overwhelmed by so many comments that they issued a response which claimed they had no relation to the abortion giant, but then admitted that five local chapters had indeed given money to Planned Parenthood. I’m not sure that people will buy the line that shifts blame to its local affiliates. The national organization could easily require local chapters to adhere to a neutral policy on funding abortion groups. The March of Dimes should do some soul searching – if they truly are a group that “funds lifesaving research and programs and works to end premature birth, birth defects and infant mortality,” then why allow local chapters to give money to an organization that sells the body parts of aborted babies?

What can you do to help? Keep the pressure on. Share [FRC’s] Facebook post which includes a listing of the companies, and reach out to these companies and organizations on social media, and urge them to remove themselves from any affiliation with Planned Parenthood.

Stopping Traffic

Yesterday, FRC hosted a lecture yesterday on “The Link Between Pornography, Sex Trafficking, and Abortion” presented by Arina Grossu, FRC’s Director of the Center for Human Dignity. She discussed how pornography fuels the demand for sex trafficking. Pornography users are far more likely to buy paid sex and participate in the sex industry than non-pornography users, thus feeding into the “demand” surrounding the sex trafficking industry. Trafficking victims are initiated and groomed into the industry by having to view pornography. They are forced to recreate scenes from pornography for the “buyer” and are being forcibly recorded for pornographic purposes.

Arina also discussed the prevalence of coerced and forced abortions in the sex trafficking industry as pimps turn to abortion to keep their victims “working.” Planned Parenthood is not only responsible for the trafficking of baby organs, as the recent investigative videos show, but past videos produced by LiveAction show how Planned Parenthood covers up the sex-trafficking of minor girls and offers abortions. If you missed the lecture, you can view it here.

This is a publication of the Family Research Council. Mr. Perkins is president of FRC.