The Patriot Post® · Ben Carson Was Right

By Burt Prelutsky ·

All that Dr. Carson said was that he would not want to see a Muslim in the Oval Office, and the politically correct jackals fell on him as if he were a gazelle with a bad limp.

But why would anyone want to see a Muslim president? It’s bad enough that Barack Obama has filled so many positions in his administration with them that he barely has room for all the transgendered freaks and homosexuals he has crammed onto the federal payroll.

Donald Trump also came in for a great deal of self-righteous pummeling because when a guy at a Townhall meeting accused Obama of being a Muslim, Trump didn’t slap him down. The biggest joke was that people in the media brought up John McCain, who responded to a similar claim back in 2008 by stating that Obama was definitely a Christian. McCain was a sap then and he continues to be one. McCain was so concerned with appearing statesmanlike that he wouldn’t even allow political ads to be produced which tied Obama to the anti-American racist, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

I know that a great many Republicans believe that Obama is a follower of Islam. I don’t happen to be one of them. I also do not believe he is a Christian. Anyone with a brain wave knows that Obama only joined Rev. Wright’s vile church because he needed to establish himself as a home boy if he, an outsider, was ever going to make his mark in Chicago politics. Frankly, I don’t believe he has a religious bone in his body.

What fascinates me is that when Hillary Clinton chimed in, she claimed that the Republicans were being hateful by accusing Obama of being a Muslim. If Muslims are as wonderful as liberals contend, what’s so terrible about suggesting that Obama bows down to Mecca five times a day? I mean, it’s not as if he and the family rush off to church every Sunday. Make that any Sunday. So where’s the proof that he’s a Christian? And how can it simultaneously be a wonderful thing to be a Muslim, but a slander to be called one?

For that matter, I’m not even sure Pope Francis is a Christian. For one thing, he and Raul Castro reminded me of Chris Christie and Barack Obama carrying on like newlyweds. For another, Pope Francis didn’t even try to meet with Cuba’s political dissidents. Finally, when you compare his conciliatory tone when addressing questions about abortions, homosexuality and annulments, with the way he gets heated up when discussing the evils of capitalism, the redistribution of wealth and global warming, he is clearly more concerned with the teachings of Karl Marx than those of Jesus Christ.

When I say that I don’t understand liberals, I don’t just mean that I think they are wrong on every important issue, but that I really can’t comprehend how they arrive at their cuckoo conclusions. For instance, why do they believe that illegal aliens not only have a right to be here, but that they deserve to be supported by American taxpayers? Why do they believe that guns are evil, but are generally willing to find excuses for the bad people who use them, and are unwilling to add, say, 10 years to the sentence of any felon who uses one in the commission of a crime?

Liberals also seem willing to believe that the reason Republicans find Hillary Clinton so repulsive has nothing to do with her words and actions regarding Benghazi and her illegal email server, and everything to do with her being a female.

At the same time that they accuse Republicans of being against women, blacks and Latinos, they turn a blind eye to the fact that among our leading presidential contenders are people like Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

Does it never occur to liberals that the only real differences between them and ostriches are diet and plumage?

I know a lot of people are taking Obama to task for spending $40 million of the $500 million allocated to train Syrian rebels, and has only nine trained soldiers to show for it. I will remind these people that at this rate, we will have a fighting force of about 110 by the time we spend the remaining $460 million. That may not sound like much to you, but I’ll remind you that Solyndra cost us $500 million and we had far less to show for it.

Obama also saw to it that $29 million was sent to the survivors of the nine black people murdered in the South Carolina Church by crazy Dylann Roof. How is it that the rest of us have to pay for our life insurance, but if folks are related to black murder victims, Obama sends them a multi-million dollar check that the rest of us have to cover?

In other news, a Muslim kid put together a clock that looked more like a bomb than any clock I’ve ever seen, stuck it in a briefcase, and wound up collecting thousands of dollars from good-hearted suckers and an invitation to the White House.

Rumor has it that his folks concocted the scheme in order to file a lawsuit. As rumors go, it’s a pretty easy one to believe, especially after hearing that the late Freddie Gray had already tried to injure himself after an earlier arrest, and after asking myself how many 14-year-olds have their own briefcase.

For my part, I hope 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed brings the clock along when he visits the White House because I want to watch the Secret Service tackle the little schmuck at the front door.

Finally, of the 36,000 criminal aliens released by ICE last year, it seems that 1,000 have already been convicted of new crimes, including assault, child molestation and robbery. I guess these must be some of those jobs we’ve all heard so much about; you know — the ones that Americans won’t do.