The Patriot Post® · The College of Coulter

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Fresh from reminding the Republican contenders that there aren’t as many “f—ing Jews” in America as they seem to think when they pledge their commitment to the survival of Israel, Ann Coulter has come up with a new litmus test, basing their fitness to be president on the college or university they attended.

She stoops to this nonsense because she wishes to remind us that not only did she attend Cornell and graduate from the University of Michigan Law School, but that her current heart throb, Donald Trump, graduated from the prestigious Wharton School of Business.

I have noticed that a lot of people in their 50s, 60s and 70s, are still boasting about the school they attended decades earlier, almost as if they had reached the pinnacle of their lives in their early 20s. Coulter went on to demean those poor unfortunates who attended community colleges and less prestigious universities as “mediocrities.”

I wonder if by dismissing the likes of Marco Rubio, who attended the University of Florida and the University of Miami Law School, she understood she was indirectly praising the likes of Barack Obama (Columbia), Michelle Obama (Princeton), Bill Clinton (Georgetown), Hillary Clinton (Wellesley and Yale Law School), John Kerry (Yale) and Al Gore (Harvard).

Just for the record, Ronald Reagan graduated from Eureka, a small Christian college in Illinois.

Now that Pope Francis has come and gone, I find myself wondering if he had dared spend more time talking about abortion, same-sex marriage and the need to confront Islam before its followers succeed in butchering every Christian in the Middle East, the Democrats would have given him quite so many ovations. And if, instead of promoting climate change and the redistribution of wealth, would Obama have objected to the Holy Father’s addressing Congress, as he had when Benjamin Netanyahu voiced his objections to the suicidal nuclear deal with Iran?

As a South American socialist, it was predictable that the Pope would speak out in favor of open borders and against capital punishment. But I don’t see the nation known as the Vatican City throwing open its doors to the homeless of Italy. And if this pope, like an earlier one, who used his influence to prevent the execution of a murderer in Missouri, feels so strongly about capital punishment, how about offering to keep these scumbags under personal lock and key, while providing them with food, clothing and entertainment, for the foreseeable future, instead of insisting that American taxpayers shoulder the burden?

Finally, the Pope, who apparently didn’t attend one of Ann Coulter’s elite colleges, showed an abysmal lack of knowledge when it came to geography by introducing himself as “a son of this great continent.” Although they share a contiguous land mass, Argentina is in South America, the United States is in North America.

When Pope Francis told a planeload of reporters “I am not a liberal,” I was reminded of Richard Nixon insisting he wasn’t a crook.

After seeing the way that Joe Biden latched onto the Pope and never let go, there is no question in my mind that he is going after the nomination. But considering who he’s going up against, in addition to seeking financial support and a campaign manager, he would be well-advised to consider hiring a food taster.

I hate getting in the middle when really rich people like Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina are going at each other. But the fact remains that it is a lot easier to inherit great wealth and to then increase it, the way that people like Trump, Howard Hughes and Henry Ford, Jr., did than to start out as a secretary and wind up as the CEO of a major corporation.

As for Fiorina’s having been ousted by the board of Hewlett-Packard, one of its members at the time, Tom Perkins, recently took out a full page mea culpa in the NY Times to say that she had been right and the board, himself included, which had balked at innovation and growth through merger, had been wrong.

As for her having fired thousands of workers, a charge the Left kept hitting Mitt Romney with, would everyone have been happier if she hadn’t taken draconian measures to save the company, leaving everyone unemployed when H-P inevitably tanked?

Frankly, it’s her experience at Hewlett-Packard that makes it more believable when she says she won’t replace the tens of thousands of baby boomers who will soon be retiring from the federal bureaucracy. It’s only politicians who see government workers as potential votes who balk at cutting the fat out of Washington.

In case you missed it, the Dalai Lama told a TV reporter that he thought there could be a female Dalai Lama one day, but “she’d have to be attractive with a pretty face.” To which Donald Trump was rumored to have responded, “Exactly. And she better have a va-va-voom persona!”

It appears that Ben Carson said what most of us believe; namely, that a Muslim has no business being president, and he naturally caught hell from liberals and other politically correct idiots. He didn’t say the Constitution prevented it, which it doesn’t. He was referring to commonsense. After all, devout Muslims believe Sharia law trumps the Constitution because it is the word of Allah.

One could argue that a moderate Muslim would act appropriately, accepting that, as president, he would have to set aside his Koran when it came to governing this great republic.

And you’re free to believe that if you will. But as far as I’m concerned, a moderate Muslim is one who has converted to Christianity.

In conclusion, I would say that when I look at people like the Clintons, who seem impervious to all the laws and rules that dictate decent behavior, I find myself praying there’s an afterlife. That’s because, although I have my doubts about Pope Francis, I have no reason at all to believe that God is a liberal.