The Patriot Post® · Solving America's Problems

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Because I make it a practice to point out what everybody else is doing badly, I thought for a change I would offer solutions or at least suggestions.

The problem with guns, as even Barack Obama would admit if you could water board him into telling the truth, has nothing to do with law-abiding citizens, everything to do with loons and thugs having access to weapons when, in a sane society, the only things those two groups would have access to are insane asylums and jails, respectively.

I venture that far less than one percent of all crimes committed with guns are committed by members of the NRA. Somehow, I just don’t see the inner city residents of Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and L.A., signing up to take gun safety classes or undergoing background checks.

As for all the violence taking place in gun-free zones, nobody should be too surprised. After all, even crazy people aren’t necessarily stupid. The only stupidity on display is that of those who think that posting a sign is enough to safeguard the public. Do these stoopnagels also believe that if you post fang-and- claw-free zones at the zoos and then throw open the cages, the lions and tigers will refrain from devouring the visitors?

The solution to the mass killings on school campuses and elsewhere is to have good guys standing guard. Most communities are full of retired cops, soldiers, sheriffs and deputies, who’d be only too happy to volunteer to protect their grandkids and yours.

Democrats don’t believe that if you own a gun, even if it’s been legally purchased and licensed, you can possibly be a law-abiding citizen. On the other hand, they resent it if you refer to the folks who sneak into America as illegal aliens.

As an email that had gone viral summed it up, “If we don’t need guns because we have cops, then we shouldn’t need fire extinguishers because we have firemen.”

A cartoon someone sent me showed Obama addressing the Ayatollah Khamenei, assuring him that “If you like your nuclear program, you can keep your nuclear program.”

An alternative would have Obama telling Vladimir Putin: “If you like Crimea, Ukraine and Syria, you can keep Crimea, Ukraine and Syria.”

Putin sends planes, missiles and ground troops, into the Middle East, and this administration claims he’s acting unprofessionally. I would humbly disagree. I would say the former head of the notorious KGB and the current heir to Stalin’s bloody boots is acting exactly like a professional despot, whereas Obama is flaunting his amateur status on the world stage.

Obama might yearn to go 10 rounds with Putin in a San Francisco bathhouse, but is terrified of confronting Russia’s newest czar anywhere else. In seven years, he has succeeded in making the U.S. the laughingstock of the world, a world in which our enemies taunt us and our former allies distrust us. It’s a topsy-turvy world when not only Iran seeks advice and counsel from Russia, but Israel and Saudi Arabia do the same. Can anyone even imagine such a surrealistic scenario if Reagan were in the White House; or Mitt Romney or Ted Cruz or Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson or even, for that matter, little Lindsey Graham?

If your hometown newspaper is anything like mine, which happens to be the L.A. Times, it is very possible that they have also instituted a policy of refusing to publish letters to the editor that question man-made climate change. In the case of the Times, I know from personal experience that they are equally reluctant to print letters that question the Affordable Care Act, Obama’s foreign policy, Barbara Boxer’s intelligence and Jerry Brown’s sanity.

My own solution was to stop subscribing, and I suggest that you follow suit with your own local rag. The fact is that these trashy papers need you far more than you need them. So why on earth are you supporting a publication that not only holds conservatives in contempt, but that even parakeets whine about when they find it being used to carpet their apartments?

At the University of Pennsylvania, when a professor called Dr. Ben Carson a coon, Carson’s campaign manager complained to the college president. Not too surprisingly, he was told that the professor was merely practicing her academic freedom. I’m not sure if Carson’s aide was shocked, but I wasn’t. For years now, the so-called tolerant, colorblind, Left has granted itself dispensation to label black conservatives Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas, so why not coons?

Because Rep. Kevin McCarthy was stupid enough to sabotage Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi committee by suggesting it existed for no other reason than to scuttle Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations, the Democrats are quoting him even more often than Donald Trump quotes himself. But the fact of the matter is that Joe Biden would make a far stronger candidate. He’s a dummy, but he doesn’t have scandals trailing from his shoe bottoms the way she has. Besides, the Gowdy committee has been around for months, but it’s only been since we’ve been hearing about all the national security lapses connected to her private server that her poll numbers have tanked. So, good try, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, but no cigar.

In case you missed the news, Robert Redford, who traded in his leading man status years ago in order to be a megaphone for the Left, has another stink bomb on his resume. In a film written and directed by an heir to the Vanderbilt fortune, Redford re-establishes his liberal creds by appearing as Dan Rather in a movie titled “Truth,” a highly fictionalized homage to the disgraced former anchor of the CBS news.

If you recall, in 2004, hoping to get George W. Bush un-elected, Rather and his producer Mary Mapes fell hook, line and sinker, for a clumsily forged document purporting to prove that young Bush had gone AWOL from his National Guard unit.

Although Rather eventually went on television to apologize for his role in promoting the hoax, he then turned around and sued the network for about $70 million for removing his royal rump from the anchor chair. A judge tossed his claim out of court claiming it lacked merit and that it was, legally speaking, a carload of poop.

I’m not expecting the movie to generate much business at the box office, but my fear is that the majority of those in the audience will be gullible millennials, who just might be the most ignorant generation in American history. Don’t take my word for it. Just watch them embarrass themselves on Bill O'Reilly’s Watter’s World segment or those man-on-the street bits we see on late night TV, where one college student after another is unable to name the vice-president, tell the interviewer how many U.S. senators there are or even identify the country we fought in the American Revolution.

Just for the heck of it, I looked up “millennials” in the dictionary. I naturally assumed it meant brainless. It turned out to mean people born around the turn of the century, but I’ll go with my definition.

Finally, in response to an email from a reader who fears for America’s future, I wrote: “I would gladly concede control of Congress to the Democrats if I could control the media and public education. In a single generation, I could clean up the mess the Left has created.”

It’s not an empty boast. After all, the formula worked like a charm for the liberals, who in 25 short years took us from Ronald Wilson Reagan’s shining city on the hill to the urban nightmare of Barack Hussein Obama’s Baltimore.