The Patriot Post® · Enough With the Darn Legacies

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I’m not sure who will be elected in November, but I hope that whoever it turns out to be keeps one thing in mind: His or her legacy should be to leave the nation stronger, more prosperous and more in line with the Constitution than the day they moved into the Oval Office.

The last few presidents, although each was elected to a second term, have done a really lousy job. Clinton, who reaped the benefits of a phony economy, gave up a fortune in gifts of coal and wheat to North Korea in exchange for a meaningless piece of paper promising to end their nuclear program.

For openers, George W. Bush increased our national debt in order to fight an enemy in the Middle East to a draw. But he compounded the problem by endlessly repeating the lie that Islam is a religion of peace, thus explaining his reluctance to bomb mosques in Bagdad even when we knew they were being used as barracks and ammo depots. Then, for good measure, he made Big Brother the arbiter of education in America and, in an apparent attempt to woo the ecology zealots, made a complete ass of himself by banning incandescent light bulbs.

So far as Obama is concerned, his crimes and misdemeanors are too long to list, but it’s worth noting that he has befriended our enemies and betrayed our allies; pushed the Affordable Care Act down our throats; paid Iran $150 billion while paving their path to a nuclear arsenal; handed Iraq and Afghanistan back to the bad guys; sided with the mob against the police; thrown open the gates to Gitmo; divided America along racial, religious and economic lines; nearly doubled our national debt; and left his dirty footprints all over the Constitution.

A few years ago, I suggested that the doctors at Bethesda give Obama a brain scan during his annual checkup because there had to be something seriously wrong with a man who was more concerned about Jews building homes in Israel than he was with Muslims building nukes in Iran.

Today, I demand the medics give it a second look because now it seems Obama is far more fretful over the weather than he is about North Korea testing hydrogen bombs and Iran’s firing missiles in the vicinity of American battleships.

In the meantime, Obama continues to demand that we accept thousands of Muslim refugees into America in spite of the fact that one of those schmucks was behind the attacks in Paris; another took part in the San Bernardino massacre; and, on New Year’s Eve, scores of them, recently welcomed by Angela Merkel, repaid Germany’s kindness by raping women in Hamburg, Cologne and Stuttgart.

These are the same so-called Syrian refugees we keep hearing Obama describe as women and orphans. But once again, Obama is trying to put lipstick on Islamic pigs because 90% of those I see on TV are men in their late teens and early 20s, that awkward age in the Muslim world where they’re too old to merely throw stones at Israelis but too young to blow up a school bus for the greater glory of Allah.

If I ever found myself as the Commander-in-Chief, the legacy I would want to leave would be the authorized assassinations of Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin and the Ayatollah Khamenei, and perhaps the half dozen eager-beavers who might regard themselves as the natural successors to these power-crazed villains.

The only reason these assassinations are ever off the table is because national leaders always prefer to leave the dying to younger and better men. But why do the rest of us go along with it when the status quo isn’t a more peaceful and decent world, but one in which thousands or even millions die when the obvious solution is so much easier and far more civilized?

Bill Clinton, when recently asked if he would continue giving paid speeches now that his wife is running for president, had the gall to say, “Oh, yeah, I have to pay our bills.”

I’m not sure what bills he has in mind unless he’s saving up to pay off the national debt.

I know the late Chris Kyle was called the greatest American sniper, but when you watch the GOP contenders, it would appear they are all vying for the title. I have no idea how it’s playing out with the voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, but the more I see of these guys sloshing around in the mud, the more I wish the alternative wasn’t someone as hideous as Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Speaking of the GOP, Nikki Haley, the governor of South Carolina and a potential V.P. candidate, has been given the thankless responsibility of responding to Obama’s final State of the Union address.

Although she will have plenty to respond to, it’s a futile exercise because what passes for the Republican elite are, to put it as politely as possible, as ignorant and inept as it is humanly possible to be.

Barack Obama will speak from a dais in a great hall surrounded by the 535 members of Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, several justices of the Supreme Court and a balcony filled with honored guests and foreign dignitaries. For her part, Gov. Haley will be alone, speaking from a broom closet.

How many times do I have to tell these idiots to hire a theatre, possibly the fancy one in Washington where they hand out the Kennedy Awards; fill it with retired generals; Medal of Honor recipients; any show business celebrities who have the guts to admit being Republicans; toss in some pundits like Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, Steve Hayes and Laura Ingraham, and let Rush Limbaugh and Dennis Miller co-M.C. the event.

I’d also include a brass band, dancing girls, stilt-walkers, jugglers and, of course, elephants, who happen to be our party’s symbol. I’d even toss in a million dollar lottery to help spike the ratings. But whatever you do, don’t send the lady out by herself to take one for the team by making herself look ridiculous and totally inconsequential.

Some of the most pointed political commentary is now appearing in photos and cartoons that have gone viral on the Internet. In a recent dispatch, Dylann Roof is pictured beneath a caption the reads: “If the shooting by a window-licking retard with a bowl haircut in South Carolina is cause for banning the Confederate battle flag, removing statues of Confederate soldiers and erasing Southern history…” (and continues below a picture of a mosque, the Iranian flag, a Koran and Tashfeen Malik) “…then the massacre committed by the Muslims in San Bernardino should be cause for banishing the hijab, the Koran, Muslim symbols and all mosques from America.”

In a continuing series of memories involving old friends of mine, I can vouch for the fact that after attending a gala affair at the White House when Harry and Bess Truman were in residence, Oscar Levant actually turned to his wife June and complained, “I suppose now we owe them a dinner.”