The Patriot Post® · Who Are We as a Nation?

By Burt Prelutsky ·

Whenever someone comes up with a sensible suggestion regarding guns, urban blacks, illegal aliens or Muslims, or, God forbid, dares to point out the constitutional limits on executive power, I can count on some high-profile Democrat stating: “That is not who we are as a nation.”

And because being a Democrat calls for a sheep-like subservience to the herd, once one of them bleats anything, you can count on all the other lambs chiming in.

The House Democrats attempted to remind people of the Civil Rights movement by staging a sit-in. They even, to their shame, sang a few bars of “We Shall Overcome.” But mainly they chanted like banshees about gun control laws. In the end, they were more reminiscent of the union members in Wisconsin who stormed the state capital a few years back to display their anguish over Gov. Scott Walker digging in his heels and refusing to cave to their demands, which would have bankrupted the state.

It remains unclear what new laws they want. After all, the only thing that the Senate Democrats could agree on, as four new gun bills went down to defeat on the same day, was that nobody on the no-fly list should ever be allowed to buy a weapon. The two obvious problems with that were, one, that Omar Mateen, the ogre of Orlando, although twice investigated by the FBI, was never on the list and would therefore have been able to buy guns legally; and, two, the no-fly list is unconstitutional because it deprives American citizens of their Second Amendment right while denying them the protection of the Fifth Amendment.

That, by the way, isn’t merely theoretical. Steve Hayes of Fox News and the Daily Standard wound up on the list accidentally, and it took him seven months to get off it. And in a piece of irony that should escape nobody’s notice, Rep. John Lewis, a black congressman who led the chanting and singing on the floor of the House, is still on the list five years after his name landed there!

Even the ACLU, which owes its very existence to communists and its subsequent survival to the donations of liberals, determined that what the Democrats were seeking was entirely unconstitutional.

Besides, if new and bigger gun laws were so essential, why is it that when the Democrats had such absolute control of the three branches that they could shove ObamaCare down our throats without a single Republican vote and there was a higher murder rate then there is today, they didn’t pass a single gun control bill?

Speaking of which, even with only eight justices on the bench, the Supreme Court once again struck down Obama’s overreach on immigration. Not even FDR, who attempted to re-make America in his own skewed image, had as many of his power-grabs reversed in 12 years as Obama has had in seven.

One has to wonder which Constitution he and his charges were studying in his classrooms. And was Obama ever able to pass one of his own tests without copying off someone else’s paper?

Obama keeps saying that he has to create legislation when Congress refuses to act. But when Congress doesn’t create a law, they are acting, just not the way the little tyrant would like. He is not their boss and they are not a large pool of stenographers whose job is to take his dictation.

On about two dozen occasions, Obama said he lacked the constitutional authority to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens because he wasn’t a king or an emperor, and then went ahead and did it anyway. All the Court did was to agree with what he said all those other times, while perhaps suggesting that, like that other famous royal, he was as naked as a jaybird.

It wasn’t all good news from the Court, though. In a 4-3 vote, they decided that the University of Texas could continue considering race as a factor in its admission policy. The reason only seven justices voted was because Elena Kagan quite properly recused herself because she had already declared her own bias while working at the Justice Department.

The reason the vote went as it did was because the occasionally sensible Anthony Kennedy bugged out, apparently deciding that even though he had opposed race-based quotas in the past, he didn’t have the cajones to be the justice who finally put an end to Affirmative Action, even though it continues to be an affront to the principle that this is supposed to be a colorblind society.

And while I say that as a white man, I would say the same if I were black or Hispanic. That is because I would not ever wish to have my achievements tainted with the suspicion that I owed them to white paternalism, rather than my own efforts.

Meanwhile, in Baltimore, the prosecutor who should be better called the persecutor of the six cops, Marilyn Mosby, is now 0 for 3 in her attempt to railroad them into prison. Perhaps Donald Trump should consider adding gutsy Judge Barry Williams to his short list of Supreme Court nominees.

Hillary Clinton has repeatedly said: “I don’t get money from Wall Street. I can tell you that.”

Well, of course, she can. She tells us all sorts of things. But the fact remains that since April, 2015, she has received $17.2 million from the securities and investment industry, and that’s not counting those humongous speaking fees they lavish on her and her husband.

Perhaps what she means is that she gets nothing from a particular street; that the money actually comes to her from outfits like Goldman Sachs.

But, frankly, I don’t care. Wall Street is corrupt, so it only makes sense they’d be in business with Hillary Clinton.

Somewhere along the line, we’ve been taught to measure America’s financial health by how well the Stock Market is doing. Why is that? During the past seven years, about 20 million people have dropped out of the work force, while perhaps not coincidentally, an additional 20 million have come to depend on welfare to be fed; millions have been turned into part-time workers; and for the past 15 years, wages for the middleclass have stagnated or decreased.

In spite of all that, the Stock Market keeps soaring to new heights. Now I ask you, if everyone else in your household is starving, but one person keeps on gaining weight, wouldn’t you begin to wonder if the schmuck had a stash of Twinkies he wasn’t telling anyone about?

But Wall Street isn’t entirely impervious to reality. The day the Brits voted to exit the European Union, the Dow took a 600-point hit.

I don’t know what the long range financial future of either Britain or the U.S. will be as a result of 51.9% of the Brits deciding to go it alone, but I applaud them. I know how lousy I feel about having so many aspects of my life being controlled by the louts in Washington. But at least we have the ability, albeit theoretically, to vote them out.

But by remaining in the EU, the Brits would have continued to surrender their sovereignty and independence to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. If I had been a Brit, I would have been one of the 51.9%.

For one thing, I would not want a bunch of twerps in Belgium telling me how many Muslims I had to welcome inside my borders.

For another, I would resent Obama, the same vile toad who exiled a bust of Winston Churchill from his office, to threaten that if I dropped out of the EU, I could forget about having a special bond with the U.S., that I would simply be shoved to the rear of the queue when it came to trade.

What’s more, I would resent my Prime Minister traveling to America to provide support for Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, going so far as to lobby U.S. senators to back a deal that would eventually pose a nuclear threat to my own nation, in the hope that Obama would then back my campaign to remain in the EU.

Finally, in a show of solidarity that the GOP will need to have if they are to have any hope of winning in November, I am volunteering to be Trump’s running mate.

Trump and I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but we agree that Hillary Clinton would be yet another disaster for America, and after eight years of Obama, we simply can’t afford that.

Besides, in the year of the outsider, you can hardly get more outside than I am. In fact, nobody on the inside even suspects I’m out here. And when it comes to the vice-presidential debate, I am already salivating at the thought of going mano-a-mano with Sen. Elizabeth (“Fauxcahontas”) Warren.