The Patriot Post® · It Takes All Kinds

By Burt Prelutsky ·

We have all grown up hearing people say, “It takes all kinds” as if that’s a good thing. That sort of thinking inevitably led to the mess we find ourselves in today, where far too many people on college campuses, in the halls of Congress and in our daily lives, talk up the glories of multiculturalism and globalism.

It’s one thing, after all, to be familiar with other cultures, but quite another to feel it necessary to pay lip service to those not grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition and the U.S. Constitution that grew out of that ethical tradition.

It’s beyond stupid, it’s positively demented, to pretend that a culture that introduced suicide bombs, beheadings and female mutilations, to the modern world is just as admirable as the one that gave the world Shakespeare, Milton, Bach, Beethoven, Rembrandt, Dickens, Buster Keaton, Jerome Kern, Laurel & Hardy, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the X-Ray, penicillin, heart transplants, the automobile, airplane, the computer, baseball and George Washington.

I know that those who parrot that blather about diversity believe it makes them sound broad-minded, tolerant, even cosmopolitan, but, in fact, it merely makes them sound like amoral imbeciles.

When Trump’s spokesman Sean Spicer said that Hitler never used chemical weapons, everyone on the Left, which includes just about every Jewish group in America, jumped all over him. To those of us with two brain cells to rub together, it was obvious that he meant that not even the Nazis dropped bombs of sarin gas on their enemies, the way that Bashar al-Assad has. But it is noteworthy that in 2013, after Assad had last used sarin gas, it was none other than MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who observed that not even Hitler had resorted to such tactics.

But nobody on the Left attacked the twerp, he who had proudly announced that he felt a tingle run up his leg whenever Barack Obama spoke, as a Nazi sympathizer.

In an earlier article, I didn’t mean to suggest that Dr. Dao, although he had been convicted of illegally prescribing opioids to his patients, deserved to be manhandled by airport security. But I can’t help thinking how ironic it would be if, after having had two teeth knocked out of his mouth and suffering a concussion as a result of being wrestled off the United flight, he himself wound up addicted to those very pain pills that he had once dispensed like penny candies.

These days, we keep hearing about a Central American gang called MS-13, composed almost entirely of illegal aliens, that is killing its way across the nation. What is it about gangs, I’d like to know, that allows them to act with impunity? For years, here in L.A., we would hear about the terrorist activities of the Bloods and the Crips. But rarely would we hear about any of them being arrested, let alone rounded up or indicted on RICO charges, even though there were gang squads in the LAPD who knew all their names and addresses.

If Trump is serious about draining the swamp, he might begin with the black and Hispanic gangs that terrorize every community in which the creeps exist.

Although I continue to watch Tucker Carlson, I am beginning to hope that he will quit referring to his 19-year-old son. When he first began doing it, I assumed it was his way of letting the audience know that he’s in his late 40s even though he looks like he lives in a frat house. But, as time has gone by, I find that he often refers to his son whenever discussion turns to Trump’s foreign policy.

I don’t know a lot of people who are anxious to go to war with Putin or anyone else, but Carlson always seems to frame his argument against events like tomahawking the Syrian airbase, based on whether it might lead to his son’s being drafted. Someone should point out to Fox’s pundit that we haven’t had a military draft for about 40 years. But should worse come to worse, for young Carlson, there’s always refuge to be found in Canada.

After eight years of Obama’s dithering, I would have assumed that Tucker Carlson would understand that standing up to a bully lessens the chances of war. We’re always reminded that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And, yet, very few people seem to have learned the lesson of the 1930s: one either confronts naked aggression or, inevitably, it will confront you.

Speaking of pundits, am I the only person who is caught short when the radio guys like Mark Levin and Michael Medved suddenly go from discussing the existential threats in the world to hawking — in the very same Stop the Presses! tone of voice — precious metals and air conditioners, sounding just like sideshow barkers?

When one of my readers mentioned watching Levin’s cable TV show, I asked whether Levin shouts as much as he does on his radio show. Apparently, he does. Which led me to suggest that the man should be advised to tone it down a bit. Otherwise, it’s too much like a writer who over-uses exclamation points. Everything can’t possibly be equally appalling. Otherwise, it’s too much like The Boy Who Screamed “Wolf!”

Here is California, Jerry Brown, whose reign may last even longer than Queen Elizabeth’s, recently raised the state’s gas tax 12 cents-a-gallon, and hiked our auto registration fee $48-a-year. The contention is that all the additional loot will go towards repairing our roads and highways. But as one of my cynical readers guesses, it will probably go to bail out the sanctuary cities that stand to lose millions from the federal government.

My own cynical guess was that it would go to boost welfare payments to our millions of illegal aliens, but it works out to the same thing in the end. More and more people will desert the state for the saner climes of Nevada, Arizona and Texas, and more and more illegal aliens will be drawn to the insane asylum boasting the nice weather and Sacramento’s version of Santa Claus.

One of my readers suggested that once Trump builds his wall, there should be a door in it, but with a handle only on our side, so that those who spend all their time complaining about America could have easy access to the exit. The problem with doors is that, with or without a handle, they can be opened from both sides. I’d prefer to provide the discontents, be they urban blacks, college students, Whoopi Goldberg, Alec Baldwin or Rachel Maddow, with a catapult.

In every other field, once someone enjoys a huge success, whether it’s a movie, a book, a fast-food franchise or a titanium tennis racket, the field is suddenly flooded with competitors. The single exception seems to be Fox News. The network makes so much money, it can afford to settle sexual harassment cases against the likes of Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly out of the petty cash drawer, but even after all these years, nobody has stepped forward to challenge their monopoly.

I, for one, would love to watch a conservative alternative just so that I wouldn’t have to waste so much time listening to the childish prattle of Juan Williams, Leslie Marshall, Bob Beckel, Geraldo Rivera, Richard Fowler and Julie Roginsky. After all, if I find I need a daily dose of liberal stupidity, MSNBC and CNN are just a click away.

It’s obvious that most Republicans can barely agree on the time of day. That being the case, I’d much prefer tuning in to a couple of those guys debating an issue than having to put up with Fox’s over-hyped fair-and-balanced approach that pits an intelligent person against a nincompoop like Juan, Geraldo or Julie.

When someone wrote to let me know she didn’t like Paul Ryan or, for that matter, any “establishment” Republican, I went her one better and confessed I don’t like any politicians.

What is there to like or admire, after all, about people whose only job is to cast votes, read speeches written by others and beg for money so that they can be re-elected in order to cast votes, read speeches written by others and beg for more money?