The Patriot Post® · Musings About Israel and Obama

By Burt Prelutsky ·

I believe that eventually there will be peace in the Middle East. It will probably only take a few more of these “peace process” sessions before Israel cedes so much land to its enemies that it will simply disappear from the face of the earth.

Part of Israel’s problems is that it got suckered into calling some of its territory “settlements”. That was so dumb that it gave the lie to the long-held notion that we Jews are smart negotiators.

Let’s face it, most of the United States at one time or another belonged to some other country. Sometimes we paid for it, as we did with France and Russia, and sometimes we fought for it. But once it was ours, it stayed ours. We didn’t call it a settlement and we didn’t hand it over, although I believe that Obama has plans for Arizona that he’s not quite ready to announce.

A motto for Jews everywhere, but especially for Israelis, is “never again”. It means that never again will Jews quietly enter cattle cars and go off to be exterminated by Nazis – be they pagans or Muslims. That’s why I was so surprised that Netanyahu was wasting his time chatting with nincompoops in Washington when he should have been back in Tel Aviv, planning an attack on Iran.

I can only assume that Netanyahu, poor misguided schnook that he is, has his eye on a Nobel Peace Prize. Has everyone forgotten that Hamas, a gang of murderous thugs that everyone but Imam Rauf agrees is a terrorist organization, a group dedicated to the elimination of Israel, controls Gaza? It seems to me that if anyone even utters the words “peace process” within earshot of an Israeli prime minister, he should run in the opposite direction.

Speaking of Hamas reminds me that when people suggest that democracy is the answer to peace on earth, I say it’s a load of hooey. Democracy sounds good, but it all comes down to who’s voting. In Gaza, Turkey, New York, Minnesota and California, we can readily see the downside of democracy.

The tragic truth is if Iran gets its nukes, “never again” will be as absurd a motto as “hope and change” because, for Israelis, there won’t be an “again.”

I am not the least bit surprised that, considering his family background and his 20- year affiliation with the Trinity United Church, Obama favors the Arabs and the Muslims in the Middle East. What does astonish me is the silence and apparent acquiescence of Jewish politicians like Charles Schumer, Henry Waxman, Barbara Boxer, Brad Sherman and Dianne Feinstein, who invariably play the Israel card in order to garner votes and fill their war chests when they’re campaigning, but are mute when their party leader shows his obvious preference for the other side.

When Obama was first elected, bigoted liberals predicted that, because he was a black man, a white conservative, no doubt a Tea Bagger, would do him in. Fortunately, in spite of allowing party crashers to slip into the White House, the Secret Service has managed to keep him safe. I, for one, never believed he was in any greater danger than any other president. In fact, I was confident that his greatest risk is that he might fall victim to an exploding ego.

Frankly, I think Obama is the least competent chief executive in my lifetime. And, no, I didn’t forget Jimmy Carter. However, if you say that to a liberal, he’ll defend Obama, insisting that the president isn’t concerned with details because he’s a big picture guy.

I couldn’t quite grasp the concept until I realized that some of the really big pictures over the past several years have been “Ishtar,” “Battlefield Earth,” “Alexander the Great,” “The Postman,” “Town and Country,” “Cutthroat Island,” “Heaven’s Gate,” “Waterworld” and “Howard the Duck.”

Obama, a big picture man? I should say so. “The Rise and Fall of a Community Organizer” certainly ranks with the worst of those turkeys.