The Patriot Post® · J'Accuse, Part Deux

By Burt Prelutsky ·

After French Army officer Alfred Dreyfuss was found guilty of espionage, novelist Émile Zola wrote an open letter to French president Felix Faure that was published on the front page of L'Aurore on January 13, 1898. In it he claimed that the hierarchy of the Army was anti-Semitic and that the officers had railroaded Dreyfuss because he was Jewish.

The government’s response was to prosecute Zola for libel. To escape punishment, he fled to England in February, only to return in June.

By then, public opinion had turned in favor of the disgraced Dreyfuss. In a second trial, he was again found guilty. But was finally exonerated.

I have no intention of fleeing to England, which under the stewardship under Boris Johnson, is no better off than we are.

But I will stand tall, meaning I’m climbing up on a chair, to accuse the Democratic Party of conspiracy to commit treason. The scoundrels blame Russia for interfering in our elections, when it is they who are doing everything from pretending that photo IDs disenfranchise blacks to using the pandemic as an excuse to mail out a hundred million unverifiable ballots, in order to pervert the election process.

The Democrats are engaged in a felonious conspiracy as surely as the Biden crime family is.

In fact, along with such rhetorical questions as “Is the Pope Catholic?” and “Do bears shit in the woods?” we can now add “Do Democrats cheat at election time?”

Speaking of which, none other than Vladimir Putin has given a big Russian bear thumbs-up to Biden’s team. He said he’s dealt with them before — no shock since they’re nearly all Obama’s retreads — so he anticipated no unpleasant surprises. Or in other words, it will be business as usual, just like the good old days when he got a re-set from Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with a quarter of our uranium deposits in exchange for a sizable contribution to the Clinton Family Foundation.

I happen to oppose diversity of any kind when it’s pursued for its own sake. On the other hand, if, objectively, the best candidate to head up the FBI or serve as the Secretary of the Interior is a bi-sexual albino who also happens to be a Native American, I’m all for giving the job to Mr. Paleface Who Sleeps With Anyone.

But if it’s only because he checks so many boxes, it should be denounced as un-American.

Unlike many people, I, personally, was not waiting breathlessly for the Covid-19 vaccine. I was never frightened of the virus in spite of my advanced age. Perhaps it was because I never trusted the people sounding the alarm, scam artists like Anthony Fauci and the folks at the World Health Organization.

Perhaps it was because in spite of the inflated number of deaths attributed to the disease, the fact that hospitals were paid a large bonus if they were treating a patient for the virus rather than for the flu or pneumonia made me suspicious. I’ll remind you that although in this time of the pandemic, when we are all expected to look upon hospitals as sacred shrines, these are the places where they charge patients five dollars for an aspirin. And where operations occasionally take place for no other reason than that the surgeon has a payment due on his yacht or he’s ready to trade in last year’s Porsche on this year’s model.

But of course I hoped that the vaccines would come quickly and that they’d work.

Still, I was happy to take my place at the back of the line, assuming the first groups inoculated would be old people and the health workers who have been fighting a delaying action until the vaccines arrived.

But now it seems that although old people are definitely the group most at risk. Dr. Kathleen Dowling of the CDC doesn’t think they should have first crack at the drugs. That’s because, as she wrote: “Racial and ethnic minority groups are under-represented among adults 65 and older.”

First, you should understand that when politicians and bureaucrats refer to “racial and ethnic minority groups,” they are not talking about young Armenians or middle-aged Poles; they’re talking about blacks. They’re always talking about blacks. Incessantly.

To hear Leftists talk, blacks are always being deprived or denied something, even when guilt-stricken white blockheads are constantly providing them with advantages, such as a license to rob, burn, pillage and murder, all in the name of racial justice.

Another reason I didn’t mind letting others go ahead of me when it came to being inoculated is that I figured it couldn’t hurt to see how earlier recipients fared.

But no sooner were the injections being given than the usual suspects at Twitter, Facebook and Amazon, were censoring any comments that questioned the safety of the shots. I even got to see Mrs. Bill Gates (Melinda) on TV, telling the interviewer that anyone who didn’t join in the cheering was not to be trusted.

I say, whenever the folks in the Silicon Valley are this united about anything, everybody’s suspicions should be triggered automatically. Therefore, I am giving up my place in line to the first albino bi-sexual who drives in from a Navajo reservation.

Apparently, in Colorado, 40% of the reported Covid deaths had a contributing factor; namely, gunshot wounds.

In what would appear to be a related matter, around the world, reported flu cases are down by as much as 98%. Fancy that. Talk about your coincidences.

Over at MSNBC, the morons were telling us not to think that just because we’d been vaccinated, we could resume our normal lives. No, no, no, we will still need to wear our masks and remain six feet away from everyone, until all 330 million of us are vaccinated.

Can you imagine the pressure on that last holdout?

Does anyone even attempt to interview George Soros, let alone indict him for promoting violence?

Is nobody else interested in knowing why a billionaire who made his fortune manipulating currencies seems to despise capitalism or why he gets his jollies electing district attorneys who refuse to prosecute criminals?

Some tenured dummies at the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas have conjured up something they are seriously calling the Dan Rather Medal for News and Guts.

Apparently, the Texans are confusing gall with guts. Rather is the CBS anchor who was allowed to resign after he intentionally told lies on air about George W. Bush back in 2000.

At first, I assumed this was a prank, perhaps carried off by the rascals at Texas A & M, but it’s for real.

I even checked to see if the first letters of the award spelled out something naughty, but DRMNG only turned out looking like something that Dr. Mengele might have used as his email address.

It seems that 45 of the 50 largest corporations in America actually got larger and richer since last March, apparently thanks to BLM riots and the lockdowns, both of which they supported.

So perhaps it was no accident that companies like Nike, Amazon and Facebook, all made billions while small and mid-sized businesses bit the dust. And all on schedule, George Soros’s schedule.

I’ve been watching a lot of Laurel and Hardy movies, thanks to TCM making them the stars of the month. They make me laugh as much now as they did when I was first introduced to the boys when I was about 10 years old.

One thing I noticed, though, was that all that nervous dithering that Zasu Pitts did on screen for so many years was her impersonation of Stan Laurel.

Someone, perhaps someone in the Kremlin, has somehow managed to breech all of our government’s computer systems, including those at the Pentagon and those involved with programming our nuclear missiles.

But we’re being told with a straight face that the Democrats couldn’t possibly hack those Dominion machines in Detroit, Racine, Las Vegas, Prescott, Atlanta or Pittsburgh.

By the way, Christopher Krebs, who was fired by President Trump for insisting that the 2020 presidential election was the most honest one in America’s history is the same person who was responsible for making certain that the government’s computers were secure from foreign hackers.

Sometimes you have to wonder if federal bureaucrats get their jobs by drawing that little face we used to see on matchbooks.

The biggest laugh of the past week was provided by Joe Biden who, when asked what he thought about the charges being leveled at Hunter, replied with the following non sequitur: “My son is the smartest man I know.”

My immediate reaction was a wish that I could get a seat at Joe’s weekly poker games. I’d like a shot at all that Chinese money now that I know that Hunter is the brightest guy in the group.