The Patriot Post® · Vax Mandate SEALs Military's Fate

By Tony Perkins ·

For a man who supposedly cares about America’s military, Joe Biden certainly has a funny way of showing it. While the rest of the country celebrates our nation’s veterans, the president is waging war against the men and women who fight ours!

Like every sector of society, this White House is determined to make the unvaccinated pay. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner or a Navy SEAL. This administration will stop at nothing to force Americans to comply with their demands to get a shot. If that costs people their careers, promotions, or even retirement funds, this president doesn’t care. As commander-in-chief, he’s even willing to walk away from America’s elite warriors just to send the country a message.

Well, he might have picked a fight with the wrong people. After weeks of reports about harassment, threats, and even travel bans, a group of more than 30 Navy SEALs is going to court, arguing that they’re being “intimidated into submission” on a vaccine that they believe they have a moral right to refuse. First Liberty Institute, who’s handling the case, says that in some cases, the SEALs are even being blackmailed into not filing religious exemptions. If they do, some commanders have said, they’ll be forced to repay what the military spent to train them!

“For each individual SEAL,” First Liberty’s Mike Berry explained on “Washington Watch,” “that training can be anywhere from $1 million to $2 million dollars per SEAL, because they undergo highly specialized training for all different types of circumstances and environments that they might have to operate in.” In a lot of these cases, he says, the SEALs are saying the type of hostility they’re experiencing is so intense that “it reminds them a lot of going through BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training). And legendarily at BUDS, all you have to do to make the pain stop is to go ring the bell and just say, ‘I quit,’ right?” Wrong, he says. “These guys are not going to ring the bell. There’s no quit in them.”

That’s bad news for Biden’s Navy, Berry says, because you can’t force people to choose between your faith and serving your country. But you can, as this president has, make it as painful as possible if you don’t. “They’re telling them, ‘We can go after you for recruitment or training money.’ There was [even] an order issued that said that neither the service member nor their dependents are allowed to travel for official or unofficial business. So that means here we are [with] Thanksgiving season coming up and the Christmas season, and you’ve got people who are stationed far away from their homes… [who are] now being told, ‘Well, if you’re not vaccinated, you can’t travel.’” What does that have to do with readiness or to a pandemic? he asked. Nothing. “It’s just purely vindictive and punitive in nature.”

That point was made abundantly clear in the last couple of weeks when the Navy bragged about not granting any religious exemptions — a key factor in the SEALs’ new lawsuit. “They had a spokesperson that said, ‘Well, we just granted five permanent medical exemptions from the COVID vaccine, but we haven’t granted a single religious exemption from a vaccine since 2015.’ Well, guess what, spokesperson?” Berry fired back. “That’s actually the definition of religious discrimination.”

Right now, the American people need to connect the dots, he warned. “What is it about a religious exemption that’s different from everything else? It’s because that person who’s asking for it says, ‘I have a religious belief that compels me… not [to] comply with the order I’ve been given.’ And that’s the one thing that this Pentagon and this administration refuses to stand for is a group of people who say, ‘We submit to a higher authority.’ And in my book that looks an awful lot like an ideological purge.”

An ideological purge that spells disaster for national security. What president, in a hostile world like ours, would be so blinded by a political agenda as to sacrifice his most elite soldiers and sailors for something that has nothing to do with fighting wars or COVID?

Originally published here.

Veterans Day: Above All, Others

To everyone else, it was the Forgotten War — defined by the reruns of MASH or the 19 figures on the National Mall, suspended in time on their long, cold walk through Korea. For the men who were there, fighting and dying in freezing reservoirs or snow-capped mountaintops, it was much more. It was a three-year battle — a half a world away — for freedom. And the echoes in our American story still linger.

Like most pilots, Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown were thrown together as wingmen — both graduates of the United States Naval Academy, both on a ship destined for Korea. But that’s where the similarities ended. Tom was the New England prep-school son of an entrepreneur; Jesse was the oldest in a dirt-poor family of sharecroppers. Working his way through school turned out to be the easy part for Jesse — surviving life at an academy with virtually no African-American peers was another. But he stuck it out, surviving flight training and eventually ending up on a carrier destined for one of the bloodiest battles in 1951.

Years later, Tom would say, “I had no qualms about becoming friends with a man of a different color. From an early age, my father had taught me: ‘A man will reveal his character through his actions, not his skin color.’” The two men became close on the USS Leyte — a closeness that would reverberate through history as one of the greatest heroic acts of any war.

By the winter of 1950, Americans back home were moving on from World War II — oblivious or indifferent to the conflict in Korea that the media rarely talked about. While families back home went on with their lives, almost two million of their sons, brothers, and husbands were shipped to another civil war. From the start, Adam Makos points out in his book Devotion, this was no ordinary enemy. When the massive columns of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army made their way to the dividing line where General Douglas MacArthur’s troops were waiting, the Chinese descended on the U.S. Army’s First Cavalry Division “like the hordes of Genghis Khan” — massacring 600 Americans in one night.

From there, things only got worse. The Chinese managed to surround the entire First Marine Division, making the American forces sitting ducks. “Wipe out the Marines to the last man,” the troops were ordered, an annihilation that would have paved the way for Soviet-style communism to sweep through Asia and beyond.

Desperate for help, the pinned-down Army called for air support — springing Tom, Jesse, and the rest of their Leyte squadron into action. Flying low over the peninsula, hunting for Chinese units, Jesse’s plane was strafed by guns on the ground. “Something’s wrong,” one of the pilots radioed, surveying the damage. “You’re bleeding fuel.” Scanning the horizon, Jesse’s eyes darted through the snow and ice, looking for a place to crash-land during the coldest winter on record — 17 miles behind enemy lines.

“Losing power,” Jesse told the others before he dove his Corsair into the mountain, crumpling it on impact. From the air, Tom could see the flames. Making matters worse, the sun was setting. Any minute, the Chinese troops would see the fire and start up the mountain for Jesse. Before the pilots could decide what to do, they heard Tom Hudner’s voice. “I’m going in,” he announced. In disbelief, they watched him dive for the burning plane, slam into the snowbank, and stop — 100 yards from Jesse’s open canopy. It was a move, everyone knew, that could’ve killed him — or at least killed his career. A deliberate crash landing — for whatever reason — was grounds for court-martialing. But that was the furthest thing from Tom’s mind.

“If it wasn’t Jesse down there, I don’t know if I’d have taken the chance I did,” Tom said in the years that followed. “If it had been me down there on the ground, Jesse would have done the same thing.” In waist-deep snow, he struggled just to get to the other plane. When he finally did, Jesse was alive, but freezing. Pinned by metal inside the plane, Tom worked for an agonizing 45 minutes to free his friend — without the gloves or scarf he’d put on Jesse.

Above, the planes were circling, watching for enemy troops and desperately trying to phone in a rescue crew before dark. “Bring an axe,” Tom yelled into the radio at the helicopter pilot in route. But it was no use. Jesse drifted in and out of consciousness, as his friend delivered blow after blow, trying to rip the cockpit apart. “Tom,” he heard in a whisper. “Just tell Daisy I love her.” And then he was gone.

In despair, Tom looked for a way to free the man’s crushed legs and take his body back home. “Decide quickly,” the helicopter pilot said. “But remember, you stay here, you freeze to death.” Distressed, Tom ran toward the chopper, stopped, and turned. “We’ll be back for you!” he shouted. It was a promise he tried to keep until his death in 2017. Even at 89, he was still making trips to North Korea, negotiating for the country to help search for Jesse’s remains.

Tom never felt like a hero. Like most of the brave men and women who’ve served, he says he was just doing his duty. But it was, as one paper put it, “A lesson in the brotherhood of man.” Today, we honor that brotherhood — a tradition forged in sacrifice and marked by selflessness. It was my greatest privilege to be a part of that proud tradition as a United States Marine. To everyone who answered the call to defend this incredible nation, you are not forgotten — not the 40,000 who died in Korea or the millions before and after.

As for the unlikely friends, their story — and bond — still resonates. Today, the two men lie 6,700 miles apart. Tom in the long white rows of Arlington National Cemetery, Jesse in the peaks of the Yudam-ni. Somewhere in the ocean between them, a ship sails with the motto Above All, Others. It is the USS Tom Hudner.

From Jesse Brown’s last letter home, the night before he was killed, December 3, 1950:

“Don’t be discouraged… Believe in God and believe in Him with all of your might, and I know things will work out all right. We need him now like never before. Have faith.”

Originally published here.

This is a publication of the Family Research Council. Mr. Perkins is president of FRC.