The Patriot Post® · Political Engagement Is a Necessity

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

It’s no secret that our country is experiencing a political and cultural divide. Truthfully, our country has always been divided. It was meant to be that way because we are an individualistic society. The United States we grew up in feels like a distant memory to many, but most don’t know why that is so.

What has changed is that we cannot reconcile our differences now, and we are constantly pressured to pick sides. Granted, for some issues, it is important to pick sides. No sane or moral person would side with those who openly advocate for the mutilation of children under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”

Some may wonder how we got into such a mess, and the answer is simple: We didn’t engage in politics. Most grew up with the rule of not discussing politics at the dinner table, but we took it a step further and didn’t engage in politics at all. We are now paying the price.

Many have also been led to believe that politics is not for the average person because only the “smartest” get to engage. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Politics is something we all must engage in if we want to rescue our Republic.

Once we realize that we must engage in politics, it can be overwhelming to get involved. If that’s you, start local. Find out if you are registered to vote, and if you aren’t, get yourself registered. Understand how your local government works because that is what most affects your everyday life. To some, this may be learning what district you live in and how your local government is structured. For example, Tennessee and Hawaii are the only states in the country that have county mayors. As you get comfortable, you can move on to learning who represents you at the state and federal levels.

We all lead busy lives, and it can be difficult to get involved in politics, but we must become engaged. Many are busy raising families, while others may be climbing corporate ladders or building successful businesses. The way in which we engage in politics will be different for everyone. Some will donate their time, others will donate their money, and most will give their candidate their vote. Learn when your local elections take place and know the difference between primary elections and general elections. Sometimes, you will have to vote for your candidate twice — first in the primary election, then again in the general election.

If you are a leader within your community, consider running for office. This takes a lot of time and effort, but it could be one of the most rewarding experiences. The connections you make and the people you meet make running for office a great experience.

Our political disengagement put our country in quite a predicament, but we can course-correct. Our political engagement will be different from our neighbors, but it is important that we act because future generations depend on our political engagement.