The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Spin Doctors

“I think Republicans are trying to weaponize anti-Semitism.” —Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)

“People understand that ‘occupying buildings on campus’ is, like, one of the most common forms of studen[t] protest for decades and not some devious new ploy devised by professional anarchist plotters, right?” —MSNBC’s Chris Hayes

Blind Squirrels Find a Nut

“I’ll echo the horror that this does look like January 6th. What a terrible example for our students.” —MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski

“How do the Democrats, how do all of us on that side, say January 6th was wrong if you can have the same pictures going on on college campuses? You lose the moral high ground.” —MSNBC’s Al Sharpton

“They’ve become the cause. It’s about them. It is not about pushing the cause.” —Al Sharpton

“Who would take over our buildings and put another flag up? That may be fine to other people but it’s not to me. My uncle died defending this country. And these men and women put their lives on the line. And it’s despicable that schools will allow another country’s flag to fly in our country.” —New York City Mayor Eric Adams

For the Record

“This is not complicated. Hamas committed the worst attack against Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas still has hostages, including five Americans. For defending itself and for going after an enemy that imbeds itself with civilians, Israel stands accused of ‘genocide.’” —Larry Elder

“The FBI director said that he worries about the Right. Don’t worry about the Right. The Right’s fine. Worry about the Left, because this is a movement from the Left. These are radical-left lunatics, and they’ve got to be stopped now, because it’s going to go on and on, and it’s going to get worse and worse.” —Donald Trump

“People who won’t condemn a terror group or the horrific pogrom it carried out on Oct. 7, who never demand that Hamas release its hostages, who single out for condemnation a democratic society beset by profoundly illiberal forces all around it, are presuming to lecture everyone else about ‘complicity.’ To the extent that they really are engaged in a great moral struggle, they are on the wrong side.” —Rich Lowry

“I will pay for any gay or trans anti-Israel protesters on campus to travel to Gaza and march for gay and trans rights there. I’ll rent out a plane, fly there and accompany you on a bus to the border of Gaza. I’m sure your arguments for tolerance will be well received there.” —Clay Travis

“Here’s an idea: Let’s exchange 50 pro-Hamas students for every Israeli hostage. Everybody wins. It will get the hostages out, it will be good for Israel, and it will be very educational for the students. What’s not to like?” —Gary Bauer

Can’t Fix Stupid

“CBS News reports that the Biden administration is putting together a plan to bring 150,000 Gazans as ‘refugees’ into our country. … The people of Gaza voted for Hamas, and they still overwhelmingly support Hamas, which is one reason why no Arab country will take them. They don’t want any more terrorist sympathizers. In addition, there is no reliable way to ‘vet’ people coming from Gaza. But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris think this is a really good idea. They are out of their minds!” —Gary Bauer

The BIG Lie

“I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law.” —Joe Biden

With Friends Like These…

“Why is Japan having trouble? … Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants.” —Joe Biden

And Last…

“We desperately need a new birth of education. … Self-government without education and critical thinking is a fantasy.” —Armstrong Williams

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