The Patriot Post® · Bottoms Exposed Biden's Leftmedia 'Election Interference'

By Mark Alexander ·

Last week, Atlanta’s failed former mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, was picked up as a “senior advisor” by what is left of Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign after his epic debate implosion last Thursday.

Apparently, her qualifications include her hate-filled rhetorical demo-goguery centered on her assertion that “MAGA Republicans” are trying to “destroy the United States of America.”

Of course, she also led the chorus on Atlanta’s disastrous defund-the-police movement, contributing to the surge of violence across our nation, including a significant increase in assaults and murders of police officers. Notably, a grossly disproportionate amount of that violence is black-on-black, which Biden and Bottoms never mention. Their war on cops simultaneously resulted in a national police recruitment, retention, and morale crisis that continues to plague urban centers.

So, what now?

After Biden’s debate debacle, Bottoms’s hometown newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the most influential leftist rag in Georgia, declared: “Throughout the excruciating 90-minute forum Thursday night, the president failed to convey a competent and coherent vision for the future of America. He failed to outline the most fundamental aspects of his platform. He failed to take credit for the significant accomplishments of his three and a half years in office.”

Well, that would be tantamount to squeezing blood from a turnip … with apologies to turnips.

Biden and his Demos have no “competent and coherent vision for the future of America” other than its destruction. They have no platform to run on. Biden has no “significant accomplishments” to his credit, just a plethora of domestic and foreign policy failures piled one on the other.

AJC’s editorial board concluded: “Biden should withdraw from the race, for the good of the nation he has served so admirably for half a century. Doing this will require a massive and unprecedented string of legal and regulatory actions to get a Biden successor named and placed on each state’s ballot. This is difficult and necessary work that must start immediately.”

That is basically the same assessment by the editorial boards of The New York Times, New Yorker, The Washington Post, Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune.

When Biden’s newest senior campaign advisor was asked in an MSNBC interview about her hometown paper’s demand that Biden exit, Bottoms declared: “I was very disappointed with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. As we have talked about making sure we’re protecting elections and making sure there’s no undue influence, this was undue influence by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, or an attempt to influence.”

MSNBC’s Chris Lansing rebutted, “But isn’t that what editorial boards are supposed to do?”

Bottoms dug a deeper hole: “Editorial boards are supposed to honor fair elections. I don’t think it’s fair when an editorial board with ten people sitting in a room are trying to influence an election, especially in a state like Georgia where there’s already been discussions about influencing elections.”

In other words, Bottoms is saying that when the abject bias of Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes favors Biden, that is “fair,” but when any of them dare turn on Biden, that then constitutes “undue influence” on an election — election interference.

Bottoms unwittingly exposed the underbelly of Demo collaboration and collusion with the Leftmedia and the presumption that bias assures “fair elections.” She unintentionally said out loud what Demos do their best never to admit — they are completely dependent on their Leftmedia election influence.

Can you imagine what the political landscape of America would look like if the mainstream media was actually objective in its coverage of politics and politicians?