The Patriot Post® · The Left's Latest Blackout on Race and Violence

By Mark Alexander ·

I have family in Birmingham, so I have been following reports about a “mass shooting” there.

It has been more than 48 hours since four people were murdered and 17 others injured late Saturday night outside a “hookah bar” in a strip of town with mostly bars. Police believe the assailants were targeting one person in a group in what they describe as a “hit,” though investigators have not determined which person they think was the target.

According to Birmingham PD Chief Scott Thurmond: “Some of the individuals that were killed have extensive criminal histories, and because of that, there’s often times motivation from others, and there’s people who are willing to pay to have them killed. And so that’s part of it. Someone was willing to pay money to have that person killed.” In fact, I confirmed through BPD sources that those records include murder charges.

Translation: This was drug thug/gang violence.

Oddly, among hundreds of subsequent news posts about this incident, not one single report has included any description of the assailants. Even news reports about an unprecedented $100,000 reward to identify the attackers ($50,000 from the FBI and $50,000 from Crime Stoppers of Metro Alabama) offered no description of the suspects’ race or sex. (One site did have a reference to “black male,” but that was removed.)

I note “oddly,” but in fact, not identifying the race of the assailants is not odd; it is now typical. The reason: A grossly disproportionate number of these murders are black-on-black, affirming the inconvenient truth about race and violence. Thus, Democrats conceal race. This gross racial disparity is an indictment of the social policies they have perpetuated on their urban poverty plantations for decades, and those policies are directly correlated with urban violence.

The alternative, of course, is to blame so-called “gun violence.”

In Kentucky earlier this month, a sociopath shot at vehicles from an I-75 exit ramp, likely inspired by a similar attack days earlier near Seattle, Washington. Within an hour of the Kentucky incident, the assailant’s photograph was distributed to the media, and a full-scale manhunt was launched for days. He was found deceased days later by YouTubers near the location of that exit.

Point is, with all of the surveillance cameras in the area, no information has been released about the Birmingham murderers.

We have confirmed that all four victims were black, and it is highly likely that the assailants were black. In the last two such attacks in Birmingham this year — one in July resulting in four murders and one in February also resulting in four murders — the victims and assailants were all black.

Birmingham’s Demo mayor, Randall Woodfin, whose brother and nephew were previously murdered by thugs, declared: “We find ourselves in 2024, where gun violence is at an epidemic level, an epidemic crisis in our country. And the city of Birmingham, unfortunately, finds itself at the tip of that spear. … I want to make myself very clear on what the priority is: It is to hunt down, capture, arrest, and convict the people who are responsible for this mass shooting.”

Indeed, three of the 31 mass killings this year, 23 of which involved firearms, occurred in Birmingham.

But again, Woodfin provided no details in order to narrow down the search. If the assailants fit the typical profile — black males between the ages of 18 and 30 — that narrows the search to 3% of the population.

Also predictable was Woodfin’s blame-shifting assertion: “I think America has a gun culture problem.” He added, “It does require us to roll up our sleeves and make common sense laws that actually save lives.”

Apparently, he has not heard that only law-abiding citizens abide by the law. Outlaws don’t.

The problem is not law-abiding citizens.

Woodfin also said: “As a community, we cannot give safe harbor or shelter to people who want to just simply kill people. We can’t give them cover. They should not feel safe in our community. They should not feel safe anywhere.” But again, it is urban Democrat mayors who have, in effect for decades, cultivated outlaws nationwide.

More to the point, Birmingham PD’s Public Information Officer, Truman Fitzgerald, said these violent incidents “have more to do with culture than they do criminality.”

Indeed, they do.

So, what laws does Woodfin think will solve “gun violence”?

He says, “Glock switches are the number one public safety issue in our city and state,” speculating that the weapon used had been converted to full-auto: “We need our legislators to pass laws that save lives and give local authorities the tools (laws) to arrest those who just drive around and walk around with these weapons.” Police have not said what type of weapon was used, but Woodfin wants more gun laws to solve the problem.

Apparently, he has not heard about laws already on the books prohibiting carrying a firearm illegally and converting a firearm to select fire (full-auto). Federal law 26 USC § 5845(b) is crystal clear: Devices that are designed to convert semiautomatic firearms to fire automatically are illegal throughout the U.S.

But Demos never let the facts get in the way of gaslighting law-abiding citizens in order to advance their political agenda, especially in an election cycle.

Finally, according to a statement from Stef Feldman, director of Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention charade, “Once again, our entire nation is watching in horror as another community is devasted [sic] by the national epidemic of gun violence.” Feldman says Biden and Harris are coordinating with state and local officials.

That’ll fix it.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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