DoD Issues ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Directive — Putin Retreats in Fear
China and Russia are not implementing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” criteria for frontline fighters.
From The “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” Files…
Earlier this week, our military analyst, Gen. B.B. Bell (USA-Ret.), eviscerated the Army secretary’s woke service objectives, noting: “So, what to make of all this? Pure and simple, it’s all woke, social engineering, touchy-feely gruel. … We are in trouble.” As Gen. Bell declared, the Biden administration’s priorities are undermining military readiness and our ability to defend two theaters of conflicts with Russia and China.
No sooner had we posted that assessment when, against all reason and logic in light of current national security threats, the Department of Defense released a “diversity and inclusion” statement crafted by Bishop Garrison, the senior advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Defense on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — a typical leftist Beltway bureaucrat charged with infusing the Left’s agenda into our military service branches.
At the same time the U.S. and NATO are scrambling to avert kinetic confrontation with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, offering him bribes to stand down and pleading with him to pull back from the Ukraine border, our military’s non compos mentis commander-in-chief, Joe Biden, is busy promoting service-wide diversity directives that defy reality.
In the face of the biggest offensive Russian military operation in decades, the Department of Defense set the stage for implementing the wokest of its blanket progressive service orders yet, as described in Garrison’s assertion that “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Are Necessities in the U.S. Military.”
Noting that fewer young Americans are qualifying for military service — which is to say fewer are stepping up to serve under the current CINC — Garrison insists: “We need for diversity, equity, and inclusion to be a consideration or a part of all decisions in the military. … We have to find out ways of getting to a broader talent pool and broader interest groups in order to bring those highly qualified, talented individuals in. … I would hope that as many leaders and members of the total force as possible see [diversity, equity, and inclusion] efforts as a force multiplier.”
Garrison concludes: “It’s not just something that has to be done because of some type of cultural ideology or culture wars that are going on — that’s not the case at all. It is, again, not diversity for diversity’s sake.”
Right. Clearly, Garrison has a chronic case of Potomac Fever, which results in the regurgitation of endless streams of BS.
For context, Biden’s war on military standards and morale started on Inauguration Day.
Within two weeks, his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered a 60-day stand-down order to search for “extremists” in our military ranks, using the Department of Defense as a political prop for Nancy Pelosi’s “insurrection inquisition” and Biden’s “white supremacist” bogeyman.
Austin also pushed the implementation of the now-infamous Critical Race Theory propaganda in military training and indoctrination programs.
The first DoD casualty of Biden’s woke command came in April with the firing of his new “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion” for the U.S. Special Operations Command. So the wokester brigades went underground.
Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, who had proven himself unfit for command while Donald Trump was still president, was also on the frontlines of pushing Biden’s progressive nonsense.
Two months before Biden’s deadly and disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, we had already called for the firing of Milley and Austin. Both men had once distinguished themselves as military leaders, but as Beltway politicos they have become models of shameful dereliction of duty.
Make no mistake: China and Russia are not implementing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” criteria for recruiting and training their frontline fighters. Tyrants Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are having a good laugh right now. The suburban white privilege leftists who funded the election of Joe Biden are responsible for his administration’s devastating and deadly assault on military morale. We, as families of the active-duty military personnel these leftists have placed at risk, will hold them accountable.
Meanwhile, rumors that Putin was pulling some forces back were false – he has added 7,000 of his elite combat forces to those already on the border. But never fear, Biden dispatched Kamala Harris to Europe to head up negotiations – that’ll fix it.
Brace yourself, America.
Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776