The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Joe Biden Wrecked the Car (Market)

“The first ever assault on the American car market was the Obama/Biden destruction of hundreds of thousands of used cars in a false effort to staunch global warming. At 78, I just bought my first new car because there’s nothing used on the market I feel is at an acceptable price. The $27,000 average is more than I paid for my first house.” —California

Re: The GOP’s Climate Change Challenge

“Simply put, if America had enough nuclear energy to provide affordable electricity to a high percentage of homes and businesses coupled with affordable hybrid cars and trucks, there would be no argument that America isn’t doing more than it’s fair share for the climate. I don’t believe, however, that the people in power really want to solve anything. They only want to use climate change to scare people into submission. Stunning to me how many folks who are in power today want to stomp on the little guy!” —Pennsylvania

“1). Climate change is real (always has been). 2). God gave us the job to take care of this planet; it’s our only home. 3). We will do what we can to protect the environment (always have). But it is immoral to favor dubious climate fear promotions while eviscerating family needs. We are held responsible to promote the family and take care of our environment. It’s not a paradox; it’s a paradigm: family!” —Missouri

Re: Sorting Out the GOP Debate

“The Tenth Amendment is supposed to preclude the federal government from being involved in matters not specifically enumerated to it in the Constitution. However, Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment do give Congress the power to protect unborn children when states fail to do so. Section 1: ‘… nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.’ Section 5: ‘The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.’ The heart of the matter is to end the dehumanizing of the unborn and recognize that they are persons. Congress should pass the Life at Conception Act.” —Minnesota

Re: Confirming a Gender Clinic Whistleblower’s Claims

“In some states, leftist-dominated legislatures are working to expand this child abuse. Democrats say they intend to introduce legislation making Minnesota a sanctuary state for gender destruction practitioners (my description), just as they did for abortionists in the last legislative session. No child’s life, liberty, or health is safe while the legislature is in session. I’ve noticed that as the social engineers destigmatize mental illness, we’re seeing a major increase in the overall number of children with ‘issues,’ and not just gender confusion. How much of that is real, and how much is fad following or feigning mental illness to disguise malingering or Munchausen-like attention-getting?” —Minnesota

“It gives Satan such pride and pleasure (Isaiah 14:12-15) to see depraved adults of ‘reprobate minds’ (Romans 1:16-32) sacrificing children into his counterfeit delusions of darkness in order to mock God’s design and the Light of Jesus that ‘shines out of the darkness’ (John 1:4-5).” —Massachusetts

Re: A Foolish Generation

“Not just a generation, but a whole political Democrat Party believes in moral relativism or the idea that there is no good and evil. Without a moral compass, the untethered souls then attach to the new religions/cults of climate change or transgenderism or pronouns. Is it any wonder that young people are lonely and confused, abusing drugs and alcohol and committing suicide in record numbers? Unless there is strong turn back toward faith and family, our Western civilization and culture will soon likely be destroyed forever.” —Georgia

“This article has an important message. Society has learned things over millennia, and rational thinkers may not discard these basic tenets of life. We do NOT reside in an Earth-centric universe. The Earth is NOT flat. The study of physics allows for a quantifiable understanding of gravity. The study of chemistry yields an understanding of the basic elements in our environment. An XX chromosome pair in the cells of a human body defines a female — this basic biological fact is irrefutable. Will somebody please tell the lady Joe Biden nominated for the Supreme Court?” —Alabama

Re: Mike Rowe Doubles Down on Apple’s Speech Suppressors

“Yo, Mike, that was a dopeslap for the ages. Loved it. Jessica probably has a brown bag up to her mouth trying to stop hyperventilating.” —West Virginia

“That was a LOT of fun to read. Thanks, Mike, for helping Jessica see the error of her leftist-indoctrinated ways!” —New York

“Clearly Jessica thinks she is a protagonist in the cancel-culture movement. Thanks to Alexander for qualifying Jessica’s membership in ‘the adolescent cadre of leftist speech suppressors endeavoring to bury conservative commentary and analysis.’” —Oregon

“Mike Rowe’s response is a textbook exercise in reasoned debate in the tradition of the foundational principles that American is built upon. It’s a shame he has to explain these things at all. Too many have been propagandized to the point they have been rendered indifferent to the freedoms in the Bill of Rights and the conditions under which they were declared.” —California

Re: Demos Use the Coffins of Murdered Children as Their Political Platform

“Living in a state that has fully been coopted by the Left, if the governor of the Great State of Tennessee wants to better understand the error of his careless pandering, look no further than the three states on the Left Coast!” —Washington

“Of course Democrats use the coffins of kids as political fodder. That is, indeed, as Alexander noted, a crass and calculated decision to evoke a collective response from the ‘emotionally incontinent,’ and it works. He is also correct to note that Demos use this charade when white children are murdered, and there’s never a word about the masses of young black people being murdered because their assailants are also black.” —California

This bears repeating: “More than 99% of ALL murder victims are NOT killed in ‘mass shooting’ incidents in a school or any other location. And a grossly disproportionate number of those victims are black men, women, and children. That is a politically inconvenient truth Democrats never mention — but if they actually believed that black lives matter, it would be their highest priority. That gross discrepancy is not about ‘gun violence’ but about a culture of violence Democrats continue to perpetuate with policies that have, generationally, resulted in broken families — the number one indicator for violence — and that, in effect, keep their constituents enslaved on Demo urban poverty plantations.” —Illinois