The Patriot Post® · Jordan Peterson Ordered to Reeducation Camp

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Last week, world-renowned psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson was ordered by Canada’s Ontario Superior Court of Justice Divisional Court to undergo social media sensitivity training. As you may imagine, he took that well1.

The case was brought against Peterson by the College of Psychologists of Ontario over claims that his public comments2 made on social media were “degrading, demeaning and unprofessional,” and furthermore posed “moderate risks of harm to the public.”

And what were these supposed “moderate risks of harm”? Well, the college claimed that Peterson was “undermining public trust in the profession of psychology” and his comments “may also raise questions about Dr. Peterson’s ability to appropriately carry out his responsibilities as a registered psychologist.”

The charge against Peterson was not predicated on complaints made by any of his previous patients, nor by any of his students. In fact, his comments were not made when he was acting in any professional capacity. As Peterson’s legal defense team, the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF), pointedly observed, all the comments in question were made “off the clock.”

To make matters worse, the comments that Peterson is being raked over the coals for were clearly taken out of context, and half the instances are Peterson sarcastically expressing the nonsense of the claim he’s condemning.

So, what was it that Peterson said? In a nutshell, it amounted to criticism of hard-leftist politics and ideology. For example, Peterson has been widely critical of the climate change narrative, noting that it is anti-human. He has also expressed criticism of Canada’s hard-left Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. And he has repeatedly blasted the “transgender” cult pushing a radical ideology that he notes destroys any genuinely sound clinical psychological approach to helping troubled people. “Remember when pride was a sin?” he asked in one post about it.

For these “word crimes,” Peterson will be required to undergo what is in effect reeducation training — at his own expense — or he risks losing his license.

From a legal standpoint, the Canadian court effectively talked out of both sides of its mouth. On the one hand, it sought to affirm that Peterson had freedom of speech rights to express the opinions he stated. Yet on the other hand, the court claimed3, “The order is not disciplinary and does not prevent Dr. Peterson from expressing himself on controversial topics; it has a minimal impact on his right to freedom of expression.”

He either has freedom of speech or he doesn’t. Anything else is disingenuous parsing of the truth.

Following the ruling, Peterson responded on X, “If you think that you have a right to free speech in Canada, you’re delusional.” He then threw down the proverbial gauntlet by warning: “I will make every aspect of this public. And we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule… Bring it…”

While Peterson will look to appeal the ruling, should that fail and he be subject to this woke reeducation, he promises to document and film every session and post it online for the world to see.

The truth is that Peterson has become one of the biggest thorns in the side of the hard Left. He has regularly and demonstrably exposed the motives behind its twisted ideology, and many hate him for it. This court result is merely the latest example of the long-running smear campaign the radical Left has waged against Peterson ever since he refused to bow to its language policing.

We hope Peterson inspires many more Canadians, Americans, and lovers of Liberty to stand up against the authoritarian Left.
