The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: View From the White House Medal of Honor Ceremony for Larry Taylor1

“Joe Biden’s ‘get it over and get out’ performance at the MOH ceremony for Captain Taylor is a disgrace and a slap in the face to all veterans and all Americans of good moral standing.” —North Carolina

“Biden’s spokesperson claims he spent time with the family before the ceremony started. That is not true … I was there.” —New York

“Thank you, Cpt. Taylor, for your service to our great country! And thank you to ALL veterans. May God bless you and your families who also made sacrifices.” —Texas

“This is an amazing account of valor. However delayed this award is, Cpt. Taylor’s story is what has made America great for generations. Despite all the pessimism, America remains great because most Americans are good people who will understand the spirit of Taylor’s actions.” —California

Re: Unions Plug Into Subsidies2

“You know, I might need to review the Constitution, but my recollection is that it does not contain any authority for Congress to hand out money to any private enterprises. I’m sure they would cry ‘precedent exists,’ but I’m not sure that trumps the actual document. (Except for purchases of items actually used by government — e.g. bombs, bullets, warships, etc.)” —Florida

“POTUS is taking our tax dollars to subsidize EV production and sales. EV batteries require rare earth metals. The supply leader of rare earth metals is Communist China, which uses slavery to mine them. These metals are deadly. After the batteries can no longer be recharged, safe disposal will be costly. After we consider the news that POTUS’s family is invested in Communist China, it’s hard to avoid wondering if they will benefit, even indirectly, from a significant increase in EV purchases and use. By the way, Trump presciently offered to buy Greenland from Denmark. Greenland is the world bank of rare earth metals. Denmark declined the offer.” —Missouri

Re: Tuesday: Below the Fold3

“Re: ‘Salt water ignites EVs’: I wonder what effect road salts used for snow/ice removal will have on EVs in the Northeast and Midwest over time. Often it seems that government-suggested/mandated solutions to perceived problems have unintended consequences over time. Of course, that timeline often extends beyond the career of those that mandated the ‘solutions.’” —Washington

Re: The Enemy Is at the Gate: Part II4

“Yes, but how do you get through to voters the fact that our republic is in more danger now than it has ever been, including wartime? Premier Kruschev told President Kennedy (to paraphrase), ‘When it is time for the communists to take over America, we will do it without firing a shot.’ They are doing it now. Constitutional rights are ignored. J6 protesters are given extreme prison sentences for mere misdemeanors. Biden plans to unleash 80,000 armed IRS agents onto private citizens and small businesses to wipe out the middle class. There is much obvious proof of Kruschev’s taunt, yet most citizens seem oblivious to the fact that Biden and his ilk are purposefully leading the nation into this tyranny and socialism.” —Pennsylvania

“The pathway to God is through his son, Jesus Christ. Same-sex marriage is wrong. Homosexuality is wrong. Anything contrary to the 10 Commandments is wrong. I want to hear the Gospel brought to me by someone who does not distort the Bible’s contents. I have suffered and will continue to suffer at the hands of those who choose to warp, bend, and otherwise distort the meaning of the message in our Holy Bible. I realize the suffering must continue. I will endure because God has blessed me and made me strong so that I know the truth. It has set me free. I’m never alone.
 Thirty-one years in the Navy taught me to listen. The Bible taught me to be strong. So I will.” —Iowa

Re: The DeSantis Management Model5

“‘We’d like to have a beer with that guy.’ So would I — when he’s president. DeSantis has shown he has outstanding leadership qualities, intelligence, backbone, and common sense, all of which are sorely needed in the White House. Best of all, he shares Trump’s love and respect for America and her people without all the baggage and TDS. I personally don’t care if he’s not good at small talk since I’m not voting for a president who’s fun at cocktail parties. I’m voting for a president who’s good at running the country with honor and integrity, which I think DeSantis can do better than any other candidate.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Truth About Good Guys With Guns6

“It’s no surprise that the FBI lied/withheld information. Look back at the organization’s history and see how many questionable or downright illegal shenanigans the FBI and its former longtime head J. Edgar Hoover were involved in.” —Tennessee
