The Patriot Post® · From 'Never Forget' to Snooze Button

By Roger Helle ·

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 attack on America. Nearly 3,000 people died that day. Since then, nearly 8,000 of our service members have died and nearly 40,000 have been wounded, many seriously. Add the number of those who have committed suicide since returning home from the War on Terror, and that’s a hefty price. But we have remained safe here at home since then.

Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan rivals the Democrats abandoning our South Vietnamese allies in 1975, placing millions in Southeast Asia under the thumb of communist dictators. All the goodwill established with our allies since Vietnam has been squandered. America can’t be trusted to stand by our friends. Apparently, we have forgotten.

It reminds me of an event in the Old Testament found in I Kings 18. The land of Israel had endured three and a half years of a drought proclaimed by the prophet Elijah. God was trying to get the nation’s attention for its idolatry. Now, Elijah was challenging the political and religious system to a showdown.

On an appointed day, ALL of Israel (the church) showed up for a battle between Elijah and 850 false prophets of Baal and Asherah. Elijah spoke to the people and said: “How long are you going to waffle between two vastly opposing theologies? If Baal is god, then serve him. But if Jehovah is God, then serve Him!” (Roger’s translation.)

It’s interesting to note that it goes on to say, “But the people did not answer him a word.” Here’s why I think this happened. Israel knew Elijah was a prophet; he had a proven track record. But they’re thinking: You know, Baal worship is the politically correct religion. And Jezebel? She’s pretty nasty to those who don’t bow. Besides, there are 850 of them and only one of you. Let’s just keep quiet and keep our options open and see how this plays out.

So Elijah lays out the ground rules. We’ll each build an altar, cut the firewood, and lay the sacrifice on it. Then, whosever God answers with fire, he will be God. He tells the prophets of Baal they could even go first. They were fired up! They began calling on Baal for hours. Nothing happened. Elijah begins to taunt them. You guys need to be louder; maybe he’s taken a potty break, or napping! They scream, yell, and cut themselves until they were exhausted, but nothing!

Let me say this. I think the prophets of Baal expected something to happen. They had seen “the dark side” of their idolatry. Now it’s Elijah’s turn. He does everything the Baal worshippers did, but added an extra touch. He dug a trench around the altar and poured barrels of precious water (remember the drought) over the sacrifice until water was running over everything. Then he spoke a simple word and fire fell from Heaven, consuming stone, wood, and the sacrifice and sucking up all the water in an instant.

When the fire fell, Israel (the church) fell on their faces and cried out: “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!” It wasn’t until they saw the fire fall that they believed. On September 11, 2001, America saw the fire (Twin Towers) fall, and for a brief moment the church was roused from its sleep. But nothing happened in the next few months, so we Christians pushed the snooze button on our spiritual alarm clocks. What will it take to awaken “the sleeping giant,” the church, to take action?

What the terrorists could not do from without, the Marxists are doing from within. And like Israel, we are saying not a word, too afraid of being labeled and targeted to stand up. Do we have to see the fire fall on America again to wake us up?

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis