The Patriot Post® · Pornography and the Culture

By Emmy Griffin ·

Pornography, the making and viewing of explicit sexual material, is a cancer on our society. The advent of technology has only expedited its pernicious influence, and those who make money from either administrating the websites that house porn or from creating the pornographic content are happy to use and abuse the legal system. They are also reluctant to have any obstacle put in their way to prohibit children gaining access to their material.

There has been some movement legally to regulate porn websites like MindGeek (the parent company of sites like PornHub) and force them to have their members present IDs before being able to access their content. PornHub actually blocked Utah entirely after the state enacted a law that holds the company liable should any minor access its content. It’s easier to cut off that customer base than to comply with the ID law. Other states like Arkansas, Kansas, and Virginia have similar legislation working its way through the state houses.

Texas also had a law that forced porn sites to have users verify their age by uploading an ID. But Texas went further and wanted these sites to say in a largish font, “Pornography increases the demand for prostitution, child exploitation, and child pornography.” This law was struck down by a federal judge who backs the pornographers’ pleas that this sort of legislation is a violation of their “free speech” rights. As political pundit Matt Walsh rightly stated, this legal argument from the pornographers is laughable, but also these state laws are not ever going to be enough. Porn should be banned entirely.

Pornography is obscenity. Obscenity is banned not only in U.S. federal law, but it is explicitly not protected speech in the First Amendment of the Constitution. The real question is this: Why is porn even tolerated and not legally prosecuted?

Moreover, why are pornographers so intent on making sure minors have access to their content? The answer is that they know their material is addictive, and if they groom a “customer” young, they’re more likely to have a long-term client. Porn is also big business. OnlyFans owner Leonid Radvinsky made $1 million per working day in 2022.

Porn is not only all-too-easy to access, but the portrayals of sexual acts made available today have warped our younger generations’ perception of how they view people of the opposite sex (or potential relationship partners). Their perception mainly is that the person they are interested in is an object to have sex with, not a person with their own complex feelings and thoughts, a person with whom to build a healthy relationship.

This is not entirely pornography’s doing — though it is a willing and greedy contributor.

Feminism is also contributing to this disaster. Conservative podcaster Andrew Klavan recently made an interesting observation, saying that conservatives shouldn’t relentlessly mock and dismiss the young men and women who are engaging with the culture devalued by porn and feminism. They were formed by the culture, and that culture tells them that every poor choice they make regarding sex, relationships, love, and marriage is glamourous.

Klavan’s advice is good. Alienating and shaming someone isn’t a way to win friends and influence people. However, it overlooks the fact that men and women know what is good and evil. They have since the fall of man in the Book of Genesis. Perhaps culture and habit have blinded them, but there is still going to be that small voice of conscience, or even self-reflection, that haunts us all in our quiet moments. A great literary example of this would be Mary Crawford in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park. She was not raised with very good influences in her life, but she knew good from evil, even as choosing evil lost her the love of a good man in Edward Bertram.

There is still more to be laid at feminism’s feet. This ideology has preached that women are just like men. That they too can be promiscuous or be sex workers and be the boss babe. They can do and have it all while maintaining self-respect and finding satisfaction. Feminists have marketed this path as self-love and self-discovery. Sadly, women are falling for this utter nonsense. They start an OnlyFans and maybe get a lot of attention, but they are still empty. What they really want is a relationship and to be loved and respected. But when they go looking for those things they actually want, they run into brick walls because high-value men who are looking to settle down with a wife and family are very unlikely to choose a woman who was promiscuous or a porn star.

Interestingly enough, Trace Cyrus (Miley Cyrus’s brother) said something very similar this past week, and he got raked over the coals by the brainwashed women and men.

The feminism-warping through sex gets even darker. The very premise that feminism is pushing — that men and women are the same/completely interchangeable — is also contributing to the horrible ideology of transgenderism. Pornography is contributing to it as well with its catering to a particularly dark sexual fantasy known as autogynephilia. Porn feeds the beast of sexual and gender confusion by providing a canvas to enact these deviant inclinations.

Pornography, feminism, and the culture are a threesome made in hell.