The Patriot Post® · Parents Win in Politically Hopeless States

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

Keeping secrets from parents has become popular among many school districts across the country. There are more than 10 million students attending schools with policies that keep gender transitions hidden from parents, and the list keeps growing.

Naturally, parents are concerned about such policies, and their concerns have made it to the podiums of many school board meetings. Some school boards agree with parents while others do not, with concerns falling on deaf ears. Refreshingly, some school districts in California agree with parents and have passed policies requiring parental notification if a child “transitions” their gender in school.

Six school districts in California have now sided with parents, with Orange Unified School District being the most recent. School boards are courageously protecting parental rights despite threats of lawsuits coming from the state’s attorney general.

In light of AB223, a proposed bill that would allow children to “transition” genders without parental involvement, parents have mobilized in opposition to the bill.

Protecting the young is a biological instinct that most animals have, and humans are no exception. Protecting children is not something exclusive to one culture or one race; it is universal. This is why we have seen parents of all races, ethnicities, and religions come together to protest a bill that deeply violates a parent’s right to protect their children.

In California, the Hispanic community has vocally demonstrated their opposition to schools keeping secrets from parents. Some of the activated parents may not speak English, but they know a foul play when they see one. Clips across social media showing Hispanic parents protesting have gone viral. One video shows Hispanic parents in Orange County shouting in Spanish, “No more lies,” and, “Don’t mess with my children.” In the video, we also see signs in Spanish that say, “Protect the children.”

In Hispanic culture, the family unit is sacred, and if disturbed, the consequences are dire. This is why we see the Hispanic community eager and ready to jump into the parental-rights battle regardless of the language barrier.

Aside from seeing a new group of parents active in their region, it is refreshing to see positive results coming from states that seem politically hopeless. In California, school districts siding with parents protecting their parental rights are in the minority, and the opposition is out in full force. From self-proclaimed communists to attorneys general threatening school boards, courageously standing for what’s right is not easy in California. Thank goodness we have brave parents and elected officials who do what is right regardless.

The way parents in California have stood strong against those violating parental rights should inspire parents across the nation to engage in states that have been deemed politically hopeless. This race is not a sprint but a marathon.