The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lies

“When I left the Senate, I was able to convince Strom Thurmond to vote for the Voting Rights Act.” —Joe Biden (“Thurmond died in 2003, while Biden didn’t leave the Senate until 2009. The Voting Rights Act passed in 1965, before Biden was in office.” —RNC)

“We do not have one rule for Republicans and another rule for Democrats. We don’t have one rule for foes and another for friends. We don’t have one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless, for the rich or for the poor.” —Attorney General Merrick Garland


“The thing that I have trouble trying to figure out is … other than protecting the Constitution, what is it that these MAGA Republicans think is extreme about what I’m doing.” —Joe Biden

“I worry because I know that if the other team, the MAGA Republicans, win, they don’t want to uphold the rule of law.” —Joe Biden

“People who support democracy, who support Ukraine, who support competence in government are gonna understand that the only way to preserve those things is to vote for Joe Biden.” —Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)

Dumb & Dumber

“At this point we should be investigating the investigation for the [un]ethical conduct that is happening on the Republican side of the aisle.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) regarding the Biden impeachment inquiry

“I vociferously disagree with any assertion that progressivism is somehow incompatible with fiscal responsibility. Progressivism believes in making investments that actually have returns.” —AOC

“The numbers of … people coming today are nothing … compared to the daily amount of people that we saw coming in … through Ellis Island in the first half of [last] century.” —AOC (“Her comparison is beyond inane: 12 million people came through Ellis Island (legally) in the 62 years from 1892 to 1954, as she herself notes. Yet in just 2½ years, 3.8 million have crossed our southern border (mostly illegally). At that rate, in 62 years, 94 million will have crossed.” —New York Post)

Cognitive Dissonance

“[The border] is too open right now. … It’s in our DNA to welcome immigrants, but there has to be some limits in place.” —New York Governor Kathy Hochul (“Our message to the world is: Send us your people, send us those who need the cloak of comfort.” —Kathy Hochul, December 2021)

Belly Laughs of the Day

“If you take a look at all I proposed, they’re overwhelmingly popular with the American people. Nothing I’ve proposed is extreme.” —Joe Biden

“Historically … Democrats have always wanted to be the ones that say, ‘This is how we are supposed to conduct ourselves.’” —Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX)

For the Record

“If California, New York, and other gun-grabbing states took fighting crime as seriously as they fight our constitutional rights, their own citizens would be safer.” —Brian Mark Weber

“[Joe Biden] has had more dinners with Hunter Biden’s business partners than he has going to the border.” —House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)

Political Futures

“I’m just not convinced that the reason Trump is well ahead in the primary is because the race is missing the correct traditionally conservative governor who doesn’t freak out soccer moms. Trump is well ahead in the primary because right now at least a small majority of Republicans want him to be the nominee." —Jim Geraghty

GOP Debate Tomfoolery

"Fox joining Univision perhaps was the worst partnership I’ve ever seen since Bud Light hired Dylan Mulvaney. I mean, you have a host unload a litany of liberal clichés, whose premises we challenge successfully every day. And yet they were treated as approved truths.” —Greg Gutfeld