The Patriot Post® · We Did It to Ourselves

By Roger Helle ·

“Peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches; I hate peanut butter sandwiches!” This had been going on for a number of days. When lunchtime rolled around and the construction workers sat down to eat, it would happen again. As the man opened his lunch box, he would go off about peanut butter sandwiches.

Finally, one of his coworkers said to him, “Why don’t you ask your wife to fix you something else?” He angrily replied, “You leave my wife out of it! I fix my own lunch!”

We laugh at this, but the same thing is happening to us as we keep electing the same people, or the same “type” of people, who are working against us, not for America. The slow Marxist takeover has been happening for well over a hundred years. What’s frightening is how normal people are so fooled by people whose intentions are clear, but we ignore the warning signs.

Barack Obama told us who he was; a Marxist Community Organizer who wanted to “fundamentally” change America. To his donors behind closed doors, he told them we were bitter clingers who clung to our guns and Bibles. But Obama, a very charismatic personable guy, wooed the crowds with his smooth talking. We elected twice the man who would unify us, but only sowed division!

Now we’ve elected Joe Biden, who has NO personality and NO charisma, but is the tool of those behind the curtain telling him what to say and not say. When have you ever heard a president say to a crowd, “I better not say anything or I’ll get in trouble”? With whom? Jill? I can understand when Jill pulls Joe away from some beautiful young lady in the crowd with a plunging neckline! But who’s calling the shots behind the scene? Many think it’s Barack Obama. Inquiring minds want to know!

We were once a nation that excelled in everything — technology, science, innovation, energy, business, education, and military might, to name a few. Now we are falling behind in almost every area. Our schools no longer teach, they indoctrinate. We are once again dependent on our enemies for energy. We kill our future generations before they’re born and demand to mutilate our children by promoting gender confusion.

Men can be women; women can be men. Our daughters have to allow men, who claim to be women, beat them in every sport, stealing their dreams for athletic scholarships. Feminists are suddenly silent. Nearly eight million illegal immigrants from nearly 160 nations have a right to be here and for us to take care of them.

Climate change is going to kill us all; the coasts will soon be under water as elites like Obama buy beach property in Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii. Voices that object to the insanity are silenced. The media has become propaganda, politicians of both parties spend more time protecting their jobs than ours. When did we lose our minds?

Will we wake up from our sleep and realize we’re doing this to ourselves? Will we come to the place where we demand more in our leaders than personality and charisma and once again demand godly character and integrity? Time will tell. We have 13 months to save ourselves!

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis