The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: What Is Israel Supposed to Do?

“This is a situation that does not seem to be subject to a rational solution. At least one side of this problem seems to be quite irrational in many respects. If you cannot appeal to reason, and a punishing show of force cannot force a reasonable response, you must resort to some measure of total isolation or total annihilation. Otherwise (as we have seen) there will be perpetual conflict. It would appear that the total annihilation of the Gaza Strip would be the only solution; however, one must suppose that this would just remove them from the ‘Enemy #1’ position and move some other Muslim country to the top spot. The real problem would seem to be that some groups of Muslims cannot grasp the concept of ‘live and let live.’” —Florida

“The more rules of war are observed, the longer the war lasts. American leadership no longer has the stomach for real war, the kind that is both brutal and short. Israel may demonstrate that ability. Pay attention and keep track of the kind of people who just don’t get it.” —Washington

Re: What Lies Ahead in Gaza

“Gosh, you don’t think any of these terrorists could have penetrated Biden’s soft border, do you? After all, he all but invited them in. Now I wonder: Since Joe did away with Trump’s border policies, and thousands of illegals invaded America, is it possible any of them are a danger to the American citizens Joe vowed to protect when he became president? If so, what of it? He doesn’t care, even though he will pretend to when it happens. Their deaths are on his hands. But he’ll just ignore it, looking stupidly the other way when confronted by any honest journalist (of which there are very few).” —New York

Re: Students Blame Israel for Hamas Massacre

“If you’ve watched any documentaries of the Holocaust, you saw lines of German people walking past the death camps, which Eisenhower forced them to do. Many had looks of horror on their faces at what they saw, but there were also many who had looks of approval on them. Jew hatred didn’t go away; it just went underground. Communism in Hollywood also didn’t disappear after the McCarthy hearings; it also just went underground.” —Minnesota

“There is a description of the Davos economic conference as ‘a place where billionaires tell millionaires how the middle class should help the poor.’ Similarly, I would describe academia as a place where intelligent, educated, and underworked pedants tell intelligent, uneducated, and underworked students what real people (around the world) should do to conform to the academically imagined perfect life. Marxism is great if you’re a tenured prof. World peace is great, and easily obtainable, if no one in your department has vowed to kill you and your kind. Get a real job. Get a life. Otherwise, promoting ‘ideas so stupid only an intellectual believes them’ will continue to apply.” —New Hampshire

“Most of these snots weren’t even born on 9/11 so they have no idea what it was like when Americans of all stripes came together in support of America against al-Qaeda. Now it’s the reverse — they come together to support a terrorist nation. Wizards all, who have never been told ‘No’ as they clutch their participation trophies. Any parent who would send their little darling to any of the ‘elite’ schools needs to have their head examined.” —West Virginia

Re: Joe Biden’s Iranian Appeasement

“Biden is a pathetic puppet, and I was surprised his handlers managed to keep him awake long enough to read a speech. The reason he can’t compare to Netanyahu is because Biden has no morals. Any creature who is on the payroll of every one of America’s enemies to enrich himself and help them destroy our country is scum. He always has been and always will be. And since the Hamas attack wasn’t on us — yet — he probably has no idea what all the fuss is about.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Is the Pope Catholic?

“Typical leftist thinking by the worst pope in my lifetime. Despite the fact that the church has always endorsed ‘hate the sin, love the sinner,’ now Francis can’t seem to understand that just because priests aren’t supposed to bless same-sex unions, that doesn’t mean Catholics will begin chucking alphabet people off rooftops. Note to His Holiness (and I use the title loosely): That’s the practice of your other favorite religion, Islam.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Musk’s X Is Under Fire

“Given Musk’s previous displays of arrested development, I was pleasantly surprised to see that there is a grownup somewhere in him after all, and luckily it emerged in time to turn Twitter around. Fortunately he’s got the money and public platform to fight for free speech and is not afraid to stand up for this most important right. I never thought I’d be in his corner on any issue, but more power to him in this vital endeavor.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The Homeowners Insurance Racket

“I think the insurers are just throwing back in the face of the progressives the ‘climate change’ excuse for higher premiums or pulling out of markets. After all, the progressives freely use ‘climate change’ as an excuse for taxation, fines, carbon credits, controlling the taxpayer, pushing EV gadgets, an assortment of laws forcing people to purchase their pet projects, etc. Turnaround is fair play.” —California

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“Dylan Mulvaney cannot change his gender or his DNA, no matter what drugs or surgeries he takes: ‘No matter how hard I try or what I wear or what I say or what surgeries I get, I will never reach an acceptable version of womanhood by those hateful people’s standards.’ I do agree with his position that he will never reach an acceptable version of womanhood.” —California

Re: Self-Defense: Wealthy White Suburban Women v. Poor Black Urban Women

“Thanks for the heads up about these ‘clubs’ of affluent white women using their wealth to suppress the rights of those who are not so privileged as to live in their comfortable and secure suburbs.” —Colorado