The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Can’t Fix Stupid

“I don’t have any regrets about [the letter claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation]. My concern was to alert the public [about] disinformation. … Frankly, I haven’t seen any evidence from any intelligence agency that that was not the case.” —former CIA Director Leon Panetta

Grand Delusions

“The American economy is doing extremely well.” —Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

“We are not attempting to decouple from China. … We need to cooperate on a variety of global challenges, and I would say climate change is an obvious example.” —Janet Yellen


“This is not your father’s Republican Party. Thirty percent of it is made up of these MAGA Republicans who are maybe — democracy is something they don’t look at at the same way you and I look at democracy.” —Joe Biden

Theater of the Absurd

“The United States has a responsibility to ensure accountability to human rights, to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and to ensure that horrors do not happen in the names of victims who do not want their tragedy used to justify further violence and injustice.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

“Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people.” —Joe Biden (Actually, yes, the Palestinians elected Hamas.)


“We are the only country that allows its enemies to move here, live here and plant their own flag here. Unfortunately, after fifty years, our niceness and generosity has resulted in our ideological enemies being able to infiltrate our education systems and poison many of our youths against us. We need to wake up and fix that.” —Micheal Reagan

“Every day the odds grow that we will wake up one morning to the same horror Israel suffered … because Joe Biden and his party refuse to secure the border.” —Gary Bauer

“Americans need to stop illegal immigration and restore their southern border, while ceasing all immigration from unhinged, hostile nations. The military must return to its deterrent role and fire its woke commissariat. Our leaders must accept that in the last three years of the Biden administration, serial American appeasement abroad, disunity at home, and social chaos have encouraged an entire host of enemies — China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Middle East illiberal regimes, and former friends like Turkey and Qatar. And our enemies dream of doing to us what we just saw in Israel.” —Victor Davis Hanson

“Everyone the world over now faces a decision: Are you with the Islamist savages who committed unspeakable Nazi-level atrocities, or are you against them? Some conflicts are not so black-or-white; some have a third way. But there is really no third way here. One must choose a side.” —Josh Hammer

“We are … in the bizarre position of being dependent on our potential enemy for the materials we’d need in a war with that enemy. China has a dominant position in the market for rare earth metals — so important to the production of high-end weapons — and is the world leader in cast products. There is no easy way out of the hole we’ve dug ourselves.” —Rich Lowry

“It now should be a matter of the highest national priority to use every lever of government and the private sector to bolster the defense-industrial base in all its aspects. The Biden administration should care about this at least as much as incentivizing the production of electric vehicles most people don’t want to buy.” —Rich Lowry