The Patriot Post® · Victors Get to Write the History

By Emmy Griffin ·

History, it is commonly accepted, is written by the victors. The story of World War II isn’t written from a Nazi perspective, the Battle of Waterloo from the Napoleonic sympathizers’ perspective, or the story of Mao Zedong’s revolution from the perspective of the people who lost. It’s also what makes the oft-used phrase “wrong side of history” such an inane one.

Please don’t misunderstand this as a moral relativism or moral equality comparison. Truth, beauty, and moral correctness always win out even in the history that is written. We know this because in the West, we have the receipts of the death toll of Mao’s communist takeover in China and the horrors of Joseph Stalin’s Russia. It’s not the history China and Russia tell, but it is the truth.

What is meant is simply that we are in a moment in history where the significance of the moral struggle is pretty cut and dried. Israel did not go into Gaza and murder Palestinians wholesale; Hamas did that to Israel.

Across the West, the pro-Hamas/anti-Zionist/decolonization proponents seek to place the lens of the storytelling on the great human struggle of power and oppression. They generally are still trying to push a two-state solution on the Israeli people (who have no one to negotiate with since all their neighbors want them dead) and are willing at every opportunity to point to any perceived infraction by the Israeli Defense Forces as examples of why both sides are equally bad.

What are these bad actors, these truth deniers, doing in actuality? They are using people’s ignorance of history to influence the current state of war in the Middle East. How often have we heard “But…” amongst protesters who don’t know much about what has gone on in the Middle East? Do they ever stop to think that this refrain is informed by bad actors? Do they even pause to consider that they are playing right into the hands of people who are just as malevolent as the Nazis?

No. They are following the lead of their activist professors and left-wing socialist ideology that dictate their worldview in lieu of The Truth and reality.

In the United States, university professors are actively calling for the eradication of the state of Israel. What does that mean? It means the annihilation of the Jews, another genocide for a perpetually persecuted nation of people.

Oxford University has esteemed academics calling for an “intifada” until Palestine is “free.” Israelis, you see, are the colonizers and must give back their land to the Palestinians.

(Side note: “Intifada” is in reference to the Palestinian attack on Israel in 1987. The Oxford academics who are calling for this intifada want blood, and they want to empower the terrorists. It seems most of London feels the same, as an estimated 100,000 protesters have gathered in the streets in support of Hamas.)

Israel has historic claims to that land far outdating not only “Palestine” but the religion of Islam. Israel also has a greater oppression claim (if you are judging by the victim hierarchy) than Palestinians could ever deign to claim. So perhaps it is the Palestinians who should give up the claim. However, as stated before, this isn’t really about leftist notions of oppressed versus oppressor. It’s about the ancient hatred of the Jewish people that has once again raised its terrible head even after we supposedly “learned our lessons” because of the Nazis’ genocide.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg also sounded off on the Israel-Hamas war in a social media post that featured several people holding up pro-Palestinian slogans (which, in this case, are simply pro-terrorism). Thunberg herself held up a “Stand with Gaza” sign. She also had a “feelings octopus” in her photo but apparently didn’t know that the blue octopus was a derogatory symbol toward the Jewish people.

The result of her ignorant grandstanding has gotten her severe backlash from Israel’s Education Ministry, which declared, “This stance disqualifies her from being an educational and moral role model, and she is no longer eligible to serve as an inspiration and educator for Israeli students.” The Israelis are not going to let Thunberg be a part of the history they tell, which is wise on so many levels beyond her ignorant activism.

For her part, Thunberg did delete the social media post with the octopus because she was completely unaware of the Nazi-era cartoon that started that ugly anti-Jewish trope. This trope is propagated by varying Arab media sources like this one from Qatar. Thunberg is autistic and claims that she was using the stuffed animal to further underline her feelings on the matter. Sadly, she couldn’t have erred further if this was an innocent mistake. The stuffed octopus is even blue like the anti-Semitic cartoons.

All these examples go back to a complete ignorance of the history of the Jewish nation and history in general. These high school and college-age students might be written off as willing zombies to their leftist schools’ indoctrination, but once one reaches college age, there really is no excuse for not doing your own educating on the history of our world. There are still untampered-with history books in the bowels of the Bodleian library (or any college library, for that matter). There is an element of personal responsibility that is missing with these students, who will happily spew their professor’s tainted Cliffs Notes version of history.

Regardless, their ignorance and blind acceptance of the moral equivalence/cycle of violence narrative displays an utter lack of moral clarity. Is it really morally equivalent for Hamas, who deliberately keeps their people in harm’s way as a human shield, to go in and kill 1,400 Israeli civilians, many of whom were big proponents of the two-state solution? Do we really want these unscrupulous academics and their brainless student minions to write the next chapter in the history of the West? Or would we rather that The Truth and Israel’s story be told and children be educated so that they are not falling into the trap of these millstone teachers?

We have already fought a world war because of this harmful anti-Semitic ideology of Jew eradication. We are doomed to repeat it if we don’t nip it in the bud and stand against the genocide of the Jewish people and their state.