The Patriot Post® · Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes

By Roger Helle ·

During the days of the Soviet Union, Pravda was the Communist Party’s propaganda disseminator. Most of our mainstream media has become no better than Pravda. It started with Vietnam and has never stopped.

First, we had the Michael Brown “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie. Then we had the George Floyd hoax. The list of “criminals” the media has given celebrity status to based on outright lies is long. These lies resulted in the killing of several dozen people and the burning and destruction of nearly $2 billion of businesses, including minority ones. It also resulted in hundreds of police officers injured, setting our nation on a downward spiral.

Now we have the war in Israel where, once again, the media and some Democrats (but I repeat myself) flagrantly promote lies that are having horrible repercussions. When Hamas attacked Jewish settlements, brutally murdering men, women, and children, the media went into deflection mode. They sought to minimize Hamas’s barbarism, with some outlets even denying the reality of what happened.

When a rocket fired in Gaza by Islamic Jihad misfired, landing outside a hospital, the media wasted no time placing the entire blame on Israel before conducting any kind of fact-checking whatsoever. Even after Israeli and American intelligence reported the truth, much of the media continued to promote the lie.

The “Squad” of rabid, anti-American members of Congress began to hysterically blame Israel for bombing the hospital. The media took the word of Hamas’s medical authority over any evidence to the contrary. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who is a refugee from war-torn Somalia, screamed before a crowd outside the Capitol: “Where’s your outrage? Where’s your humanity?” But she was silent about the Jewish victims of Hamas’s brutality.

Even after proof that the rocket belonged to Islamic Jihad, many elected officials and media refused to walk back their lies or offer an apology for having it so wrong.

We have a big problem in our country because we have a media that lies, buries the truth, and silences anyone who dares to call them out. Whether lies about George Floyd, COVID protocols, election interference, and more, far too many Americans are swallowing and, worse, believing everything they hear. Could you imagine even 15 years ago college students calling for the death of Jews and supporting Hamas?

It reminds me of propaganda leading to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in 2011. That was all based on a lie. It’s not just misinformation we’re being fed; it’s outright propaganda. Millions of Americans are making decisions, especially as it relates to elections, based on lies.

I’m not an employee of The Patriot Post — I’m a contributor — but I’ve been a subscriber and supporter since the beginning because of its commitment to telling the truth. It provides people with solid, conservative news and information to cut through the garbage being spewed out so we can make informed decisions.

There is a spiritual battle taking place in America. It cannot be waged in the flesh, but in the spirit (II Corinthians 10:4-5).

It’s a time for choosing: Continue to listen to lies and propaganda and make poor decisions, or hear fact-based information from Patriots who love this country and want to see our Republic continue. The choice seems clear to me.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis