The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: The Maine Manhunt and Biden’s Bogus Ban Plan

“How different would the results have been if someone in one of those locations had pulled out their firearm and answered back? Maine has never been known as a foolish state, and I am certain there is some intense discussion going on there. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected. It is hard to fathom how that kind of wanton destruction could make the perpetrator feel worthy. What a waste of lives.” —Montana

“Biden claims (incorrectly) that members of Congress have a ‘duty to protect the American people.’ No — under their oath of office, members of the House and Senate have a sworn duty to ‘support and defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’ The best way legislators can protect the American people is to uphold their oath to the Constitution.” —Florida

“Let it be said that it has always been the Left’s plan to disarm us all so it can fully implement its plan for America. We must never surrender our firearms, and must fight any attempt to take them!” —Indiana

Re: Biden’s ‘Hate Crime’ Distraction From Black-on-Black Violence

“Black-on-black crime is a government program. The violence it creates is being used by the government against law-abiding citizens’ right to self-defense. Democrats have been propagating this deadly charade for decades. And yes, all murders are hate crimes.” —Illinois

“I would like to know when the Southern Poverty Law Center will be rightfully labeled as a hate group?” —Michigan

“Barack Obama and his puppet president Joe Biden continue to do all in their power to promote discord and division in the American citizenry. The Democrat Party is built on hate and division. Sad that so many in our country still support these men!” —California

“Biden is an expert on ‘hate crimes’ because he and his Socialist Democrat Party have been preaching hate and division for decades.” —Arizona

Re: Friday Short Cuts

“Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country. And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.” —Kamala Harris

“Dear VP, I went on a business trip to Australia shortly after its gun control laws were passed. As I rode around the beautiful capital city of Canberra, my host told me how their gun control laws have emboldened the criminals. He said break-ins were rampant and violent crimes were on the increase. Your friends in Australia must be drinking the same Kool-Aid that you are.” —Georgia

Re: An Insane Border Record

“As an immigrant myself, I am incensed at the current administration’s non-enforcement of the law. My father had to wait seven years before being allowed to immigrate to the U.S., then another 10 before we all became citizens. Unfortunately, too many are voting benefits for themselves from the public treasury, and they don’t realize the gravy train will end one day when the money runs out.” —Oklahoma

Re: Jamaal Bowman’s Sweetheart Deal

“The DC attorney general may have decided to give Jamaal Bowman a loving tap on the wrist, but Congress is under no obligation to follow suit. It’s pretty obvious that Bowman’s actions were an intentional disruption of the business of Congress. At the very least, our new speaker Mike Johnson should immediately strip Bowman of his committee assignments. Though still mild in comparison to some of the January 6 sentences, this would serve both as a just and appropriate penalty for Bowman’s actions and as a very public notice that there’s a new sheriff in town.” —Georgia

Re: Back to Charlottesville

“Either Nazis killed Jews, or not; Trump condemned Nazis, or he didn’t; Hamas intends to destroy Israel, or not; Israel tries to live in peace with Palestinians, or not. Only a decade ago, answers to these (and too many more) issues were easy. News, entertainment, network media, academia, sports, marketing, and advertising are rewriting history. Evil employs deceit to exploit ignorance and fear. History is messy. So how do we know what’s true? Easy. Opposing this defines evil: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are Created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’” —Missouri

Re: Mega-Jolt: The Costs and Logistics of Plugging in EVs

“A coal-fired plant, after delivering power from a 120-acre site in Somerset, MA, was demolished in 2017. Replacing production of this massive amount of energy, the minimum acreage required is 7,815 acres for a solar or wind farm that is not online 24/7/365. If this is not a dystopian method of powering the grid, nothing is.” —Massachusetts

“There’s that ugly word again: SUBSIDY. Without it, wind, solar, and EVs would go broke. Haven’t heard about replacing all those SUVs that Congress and government workers use. They should all be forced to walk or bike.” —Minnesota

Re: States Sue Meta to Protect Their Children

“WAY past time somebody took some kind of action. Our government should have been the first to pull in the reins on those brainwashing, reeducation phonies in the first place. They’ve gone on for decades with no real legal restraints on anything they say, do, or allow.” —California

Re: Friday: Below the Fold

“It is sad what the ‘progressives’ are doing to our history as seen by the destruction and melting of Robert E. Lee’s statue. I served on his namesake submarine, the USS Robert E Lee (SSBN 601), as the Leading Petty Officer of RC-Division (the team who operated the reactor) from 1978 through 1981. The boat honorably served the nation as a deterrent with nuclear missiles from 1961 to 1982, when, as part of SALT, the missiles were removed and the Lee was redesignated as SSN 601 and finally decommissioned in 1983 after 23 years of operation. Much more honorable than those who seek to erase our history — the good, the bad, and the ugly.” —Colorado