The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Stranger Than Fiction

“The problem isn’t inflation. It’s prices.” —Vox headline

Leftmedia Lob

“A child in Gaza [is] killed every 10 minutes.” —MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan regurgitating Hamas propaganda

Braying Jennies

“The surge of hate & violence against Muslims, Arabs & Palestinian Americans is alarming. It’s powerfully important that the Biden-Harris administration is developing a national strategy to counter Islamophobia. It’s up to all of us to ensure there’s no space for hate in America.” —Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

“[Last week’s] censure of free speech sent a message that grieving & fighting for your people is only valued if the people you’re grieving & fighting for are themselves deemed valuable. [Rashida Tlaib] stands for all humanity. She isn’t a danger to anyone.” —Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO)


“[Hillary Clinton] showed up on ‘The View’ to make a thoughtful and ingenious comparison that we don’t think has ever been made before, except maybe once: Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. … When one thinks about it, the similarities are downright chilling. Hitler started a world war that killed more than 50 million people, and Trump kept the peace. Hitler invaded Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia, and Trump didn’t invade any countries. Hitler gave us the ‘Final Solution,’ killing six million Jews in the process, and Trump gave us the Abraham Accords. Eerie, isn’t it?” —Douglas Andrews

For the Record

“What did Hitler do? He imprisoned his political opponents. That’s exactly what Hillary’s party is trying to do now… Hitler stopped people from speaking freely. That’s exactly what the left is doing now. … Hitler told pastors, ‘You can preach as long as you preach the party line.’ That’s what Joe Biden is doing now. … The Nazis disarmed their political opponents, especially Jews. That’s what the Democrats are doing today with their repeated demands for ‘gun control.’” —Gary Bauer

“About one in ten Americans express anti-Semitic attitudes. That’s sad, but it is one of the lowest percentages of any country in the world. In contrast, a study by the Anti-Defamation League found rampant anti-Semitism in Latin America and the Middle East — the very places where many people crossing our border are coming from. Every day, 7,000 to 10,000 people illegally cross our border. And, as a result, every day the population of America becomes more anti-Semitic.” —Gary Bauer

“There’s something peculiar about all the media reports about the extravagant spike in antisemitism: They all carry notes about a supposedly concomitant rise in ‘Islamophobia.’ This is odd, to say the least. What the hell does Islamophobia have to do with antisemitism? The answer is: precisely nothing. Precisely nothing, that is, unless you wish to suggest that response to antisemitism is linked with Islamophobia — that if you wish to oppose radical Muslim antisemitism, that is an aspect of Islamophobia. Which, of course, is precisely what antisemites are suggesting these days.” —Ben Shapiro

Inquisitive Minds Want to Know

“Would journalistic outlets like the AP and Reuters use stringers associated with white supremacist groups in order to take pictures at Charlottesville? Or are they only willing to use stringers who associate openly with terrorists and voice their support for Hitler, so long as they’re Islamic radicals? What moral responsibility do the AP and Reuters and their like bear for printing the propaganda of Hamas and its minions?” —Ben Shapiro

Political Futures

“Americans who have homes and kids and property taxes and bad schools and high grocery store bills aren’t going to be moved by Trump’s problems with the Justice Department or the plight of ‘manufacturing’ jobs or Matt Gaetz’s hurt feelings… It doesn’t necessarily mean those issues aren’t important, though some surely aren’t, but that you need a coherent, holistic approach to politics that is completely undercut by opaque and constantly shifting demands of right-populism.” —David Harsanyi

And Last…

“President Obama’s belief that ‘all of us are complicit to some degree’ in Hamas’s attack is a confession of a guilty man trying to implicate others.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“I’m disappointed knowing how so many on the left would have complied and even aided the Germans in WW2.” —Kevin Sorbo