The Patriot Post® · #MeToo Unless You're a Jew
The violence against Israeli women on and since October 7 has gotten little to no outrage from feminists and advocates for women’s rights across the globe. Rape being used as a weapon of war seems like the sort of thing they ought to be fighting against. In fact, it is an act explicitly condemned in the Geneva Conventions1 as a war crime.
Why the silence here?
Well, there is a spirit of denialism on the progressive wing of the Left that allows for moral blindness on the grounds of a racial Marxist worldview. This blindness causes its acolytes to profess that any and all atrocities committed against Israel (a supposed colonizer) are justified because of moral equivalence and because the Palestinians are more racially oppressed due to their darker skin. Not only is this thinking highly racist in and of itself, but there is an entire branch of the Jewish people that is African (i.e., black). Morality based on the oppressor vs. oppressed model is always going to be a setup for horrors to be justified in its name. It’s merely racism with another face.
So on the grounds of decolonization and racial Marxism, the pro-Hamasnics both before, during, and after the attacks — even with video and medical evidence widely available — actively justify the crimes against Israeli women on October 7.
Even if the pro-Hamas supporters can no longer claim that Israel made it up, they still say that Israel deserved it because it’s Israel’s fault the Palestinians are trying to eradicate them from the face of the earth. In other words, Israel’s skirt was too short and she was asking for it.
Even United Nations Women representative Sarah Hendricks refused to condemn the Hamas rapes of Israeli women. She had an opportunity to condemn these rapes, but she notoriously avoided the question posed to her by CNN anchor Bianna Golodryga. Hendrix said instead2: “Indeed. UN Women always supports impartial, independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender-based or sexual violence. And within the UN family, these investigations are led by the officer of the High Commissioner of Human Rights.”
Sitting in Qatar, @UNWomen3’s <a href=“”>@sarahhendriks shows her sham of an organization can’t condemn Palestinian terrorists raping Israelis in this @biannagolodryga4 interview
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) November 29, 20237
There’s a growing realization that UN Women is a joke, first covered by @StrackHaley5
Her answer implies that the UN will only believe women when the UN investigates the allegations itself. The UN is woefully inadequate in temperament and stance to conduct such measures, as Hendricks’s response proves yet again. There is lots of evidence that UN-funded schools and other UN resources have been used by the Hamas terrorists to foster the culture of anti-Jew hate so prominent in Gaza. The UN’s lackluster and even sometimes pro-Hamas responses shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention. Pro-Jewish groups have been making the point with the slogan, “#MeToo Unless You’re a Jew.”
As this author has pointed out8 in other stories regarding the #MeToo movement in the U.S., women’s advocates are very selective on who they will believe and who they will support. It’s not about justice for these activists (though for some it may have been originally); it’s about wielding rape as a useful political weapon. Some Jewish-American celebrities are finding that out the hard way.
Mayim Bialik of “Jeopardy!” and “The Big Bang Theory” fame calls out women’s organizations for their silence on the rapes. In a social media post9, the actress wrote:
There has been an abhorrent and conspicuous absence of women’s organizations around the world unequivocally condemning the systematic rape and torture of women on October 7 by Hamas. Brutal gang rapes, sexual torture, and murder of fetuses happened — period. Where are the “BELIEVE THEM” voices? These crimes against women were in many cases documented by the terrorists themselves and broadcast for the world to see. Those of us who have fought for women’s rights and have sought to shout from the rooftops when women’s bodies are being used in war for the sadistic pleasure of perpetrators are astounded at how the world has been silent surrounding this. The UN (U.N. Women — the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) took 50 days to express “alarm”… First Lady of Israel Michal Herzog10 and Sheryl Sandberg11 have been trying to draw attention to this. Progressive feminists of the world: where are you?
They are where they have been for years now — only waiting for rapes (or accusations of rape) that benefit progressive leftist causes.
The overall selective silence on rapes if the perpetrator is an immigrant or has brown skin but the victim is white has been a problem particularly in Europe for a long time now. Europe has embraced the anti-West dictates of the World Economic Forum by trying to import a globalist culture, and what has happened in the cultural battle playing out is the abuse and rape of European women on an excessive scale. The cultural dissonance is largely based in religion. Those who are from Muslim countries and are followers of the Quran believe that non-Muslim women are their sex slaves by right — or women’s enslavement is at least condoned by the precepts12 of their prophet Muhammed.
Furthermore, progressivism is helping to shield this evil. For fear of being called “racist,” cops and victims are silenced. In fact, the oppressor/oppressed dynamic is at play again with people who defend these (largely immigrant) men by saying nonsense like women’s bodies are a “a means of releasing frustration and anger” because of the difficulties of being an immigrant in a Western country. Yes, that is an actual justification used by a German psychologist defending a rape gang that violated a 15-year-old German girl13 in a park.
Here is where one sees the evil fruits of the racial Marxism that has infiltrated the ideology of modern Western leftists. It has warped them so much that they are blind to the actual evil that is committed right in front of them.
Sadly, it is moments like the October 7 massacre in Israel where the hollowness of progressive leftism is exposed. The Left says it is against anti-Semitism, and yet there is an ever-growing faction of homegrown leftist Hamas supporters actively hurting and attacking the Jewish population around the world. The Left says it is for protecting and believing all women, but really it only protects and believes women whose skin color denotes her as a viable member of a racial victim class or is useful to their agenda in another way if she is white. One would presume that women, and specifically feminists, would have gotten a clue that their support of the progressive mantras “believe all women” or “support all women” were merely words when leftists started pushing men identifying as women into their protected spaces.
When there is such blindness morally, it is going to take a great awakening of the soul before the woke actually wake up.