The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Who Wants to Control What You Know?

“Alexander is absolutely correct — news outlets that are supported by commercial advertisers hide a dirty little secret. Those advertisers have a tremendous amount of influence on what those outlets report and how they report it. Pulling advertising and running boycotts are very visible ways that commercial special interests control the news we see, but much more subversive are all the ways they shape what is reported that we never see. Bottom line: Supporting advertising-free news and policy organizations eliminates that invisible but significant bias, which is why I have supported The Patriot Post for more than 20 years!” —California

Re: How to Rein in the Regulatory State

“One of the worst practices of Congress is writing incomplete legislation. The (Un)Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ObamaCare) is a prime example. This monstrosity had numerous instances of ‘The Secretary shall define…’ in it. In other words, Congress didn’t even define many of the terms, but left that to the secretary of HHS. That’s why religious groups had to sue — because paying for abortions was part of the secretary’s definition of a ‘qualified insurance plan.’ Congress cannot legally do that. Article I of the Constitution says ‘ALL legislative powers … shall be vested in a Congress.’ That power is not transferable. Any regulation written to complete a bill should be enjoined and that part of the statute suspended.” —Minnesota

Re: The Great Trump Freakout Begins

“The absolute worst thing Donald Trump did as president was to show the nation, and the world, that it is possible for a president to get stuff done efficiently, on time, and for the express benefit of America and the American people. No empty promises, no backdoor deals that put other nations ahead of the interests of America and its people. The hatred for Trump is from the fact that he set a high bar for accomplishments, which demonstrated that past presidents have been useful idiots just slow-walking tasks and keeping the chair warm until the next election. Then ‘you’ elected another useful idiot who is working for every nation in the world, putting America last. We need Trump to undo the damage of the real dictator.” —Delaware

“First of all, neither my wife nor I really ‘like’ President Trump. He tends to be too loose with his lips and comes off being a bit of a bully. What we do like is that he loves this country. We love the vast majority of his policy stands. We love that he is not an establishment elitist. We definitely miss mean tweets. NO, we do not look at him as a Messiah. Each and every time the Left opens up another charge against him, it just makes us support him more. How many more charges will the Left have tucked away just waiting for him to be reelected? If he is hopefully sent back to the White House, may he this time totally clean house.” —Idaho

“The Biden administration is a dictatorship, or it acts like it. Jailing political opponents. Weaponizing the police and courts. Setting traps to ensnare members of the opposing party. These are actions expected from tinpot dictators — not acceptable in America! The communists (formerly known as Democrats) are getting rattled. When you hear these outrageous claims, you know they’re in panic mode!” —Alabama

“This latest grouping of Democrats is causing the cataclysmic failing of our country and everything we have ever believed in. New Democrat leaders are an embarrassment to our Republic. I never thought I would see this evil in my lifetime. Past generations that worked hard for this country would find the current status quo an insult to everything they lived and died for.” —New Mexico

“Time for a reality check. Please find ONE significant success from the Biden administration. My list of Biden failures is too long to print here. And then we have the lies. That list is also too long to print here. As a result, we have a government that is an enemy rather than a working, contributing, successful entity. The next step is for more people to realize what a failure the last many months have been and stop trying to find blame for President Trump. Time for a change.” —Washington

Re: Biden Declares We Must ‘Stop the Rancor’?

“As a Marine who, unlike Biden, has actually served our nation… Biden says, ‘We must stop the rancor.’ That’s rich. The bumbling fool who sells out U.S. sovereignty has no honor. His hate-filled rhetoric for MAGA Americans like me knows no bounds. MAGA means Constitution-loving, equal-justice-believing, citizenship-respecting folks who work hard, think logically and rationally, and believe in the right of a society to exist in peace. Semper Fidelis.” —New York

“Biden has always been a jackass. His senility is only increasing his boorish, divisive, and nasty behavior. Any individual who cannot perceive this is a Biden sycophant or a fool — but then I repeat myself. That does not mean some don’t have many ‘degrees and credentials.’ Credentialed idiots now abound in our society and appear to be reproducing at an exponential rate!” —Texas

“Biden can stop the rancor by never again opening his mouth! It should be wired shut!” —Washington

“Biden has all the methods at his disposal to control the narrative, and like those who inherited money and want to protect their assets, the country they destroy will not be the fiefdoms they preserve for themselves. That is why the oligarchs buy newspapers, social media, webpages, etc. And Joe Biden fits the bill — able to lie without even blinking.” —Oregon

Re: First Evidence of Joe Biden’s Direct Payment

“If the Republicans were smart, which I am not convinced they are, they would drag out any impeachment through the election, keeping Joe’s corrupt business dealings in the news right up to election day. It might give the Republican nominee a fighting chance to overcome the Democrats’ ability and willingness to lie, steal, and cheat.” —Colorado

Re: Where’s the Beef?

“This argument by the Left is so typical of how liberals are not able to foresee consequences, much like a teenager whose frontal cortex is undeveloped. If we all stop eating meat, what shall we do with all these useless animals wandering around? Would we somehow still have to feed them, taking nutrition away from humans? Would they be sent to graze on good farmland that should be producing food for humans? A lot to think about when one bothers to think it through.” —Pennsylvania

Re: The River of Peace Calls

“Great piece! My most peaceful day was in 1973 near Boulder, Colorado, while a senior cadet. I was privileged to spend 10 days with seasoned veterans who were coaching my peers and I on how to serve with integrity and pursue following Christ as Lord. Nine days of intense Bible study and counseling. Yet one entire day (dawn to dusk) was spent alone — no one in sight and no wristwatch; just a bag lunch, a Bible, and vital instructions on how to spend time with God alone. I recall the peace. I read, meditated, prayed, and sang (no one complained). That day has never been repeated, but it secured an abiding peace for all the days since. And I eagerly look forward to that eternal day in His presence. Will you teach me to fish?” —Missouri

Re: Profiles of Valor: Maj. Gen. James E. Livingston

“I served under Gen. Livingston, and he was a leader’s leader! I will forever be grateful for the example he set.” —Wisconsin