The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Tell Us Again How It’s Not an Invasion at the Southern Border

“To limit the number of illegal immigrants, focus on the other lawless acts being committed rather than on federal laws. I could believe that each illegal immigrant probably has broken state laws. Examples could include drug trafficking, vagrancy, theft including shoplifting, trespassing, assault, weapons violations, arson, child abuse, etc. There are enough state laws on the books that arrest and confinement should not be that difficult. If enough arrests are made, word will get out that the state will NOT tolerate any form of lawlessness. Once these people are processed through the state system, they could be released to the federal immigration folks.” —Washington

Re: Dems Weaponize Government Against Musk

“Here’s the best part of the FCC’s ploy to undermine SpaceX and the rural subscribers — it won’t work. Certainly Musk will continue to push forward providing Starlink to rural subscribers, and they will certainly sign up in high numbers. The total lack of competition practically guarantees that. But once that happens, none of them will be beholden to the government — and that will end up backfiring on the FCC in the long run. If the FCC was still paying oodles of cash for this, it could hold some sway over how it was being delivered. But given that it won’t have any invested cash, its power will be severely diminished.” —Texas

“It’s been interesting to note that the farmers are always the ones ‘left behind’ in progress of any kind. The government controls what the farmers grow, how much they plant, and regulate the prices. How dare these ‘rural folk’ have access to the Internet to be connected with the country, let alone the world. Rural folk may be simple, but we’re not stupid. This government hates us.” —California

Re: Did Pope Francis Just Okay Blessing Sinful Unions?

“As a Catholic, I think Francis must be the worst pope in the history of the church, and that includes the guys whose mistress and kids lived in the Vatican. As an unrepentant socialist, he sees no need to hide his desire to destroy tenets that are the bedrock of our religion. For instance, I was taught ‘an exhaustive moral analysis’ is in fact necessary if you expect to receive God’s mercy since He loves His children, but He made the rules and you have to obey them. This joker decreeing a special blessing on the rainbow crowd who are blatantly sinning is a slap in the face to every Catholic who tries to live a good life, especially married couples. He’s gutting the sacrament of marriage and mocking God’s Word, and that is a sin.” —Pennsylvania

“This is sad to see. It has the moral clarity of mud. I was raised Catholic and I’m now a Bible-believing nondenominational Christian. I don’t think this was a good idea from Pope Francis. It’s very cloudy as to whether he’s willing to state the truth or continue to ignore it. Sexual sin is sin, whether it’s heterosexual or homosexual. Does the church bless unrepentant adulterers? Is there any requirement that they confess their sin and express their powerlessness over their faults? I don’t read about any requirements, just pastoral prudence. That’s a wide road today! I don’t know what exactly the church’s definition of a blessing is, but it can mean approval. Pray for us sinners!” —Oregon

Re: Faulty LGBT Suicide Science

“The deceit of others is the fruit of the deceit of oneself compounded by the relentless hound of guilt driving an insatiable lust for approval. Unless opposed, the LGBTQIA+ evil will triumph. A time is coming when the pain of approval will seem easier than the pain of repentance. Regrettably, that will cost the abandonment of self-evident truths and the rights of all men endowed by our Creator. We should not be deceived. God will not be mocked; His judgment is final.” —Missouri

Re: A Christmas Wish From the Great Plains

“Modern Christmas evolved from very humble and unpretentious origins. Gifts were not rare, but not common and usually modest. Christmas traditions are borrowed from many cultures. But Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carrol (1843) should be credited for boosting Christmas to its popular significance as a cultural/religious holiday, with Madison Avenue (the free market) credited for the commercialization of Christmas. Fortunately, churches still remind us of the true purpose of Christmas. And thank you for the reminder as well. Merry Christmas!” —Missouri

Re: Merry Christmas

“Merry Christmas, Patriots! The commentary is always exceptional and the memes and cartoons are hilarious. I have The Patriot Post delivered to my email everyday. I also have it in my favorites so I can go to your website and archive information. Blessings on your New Year!” —Pennsylvania

“Mele Kalikimaka to our fellow Patriots!” —Hawaii

“To Alexander and your team: ‘Love and joy unto you and a Merry Christmas, too, and God bless you and send you a Happy New Year.’ (Traditional, Yorkshire West Riding).” —Oklahoma

“To the whole Patriot team: Praying the Lord grants unending blessings to you and your families. Please keep on keepin’ on!” —Texas

“God keep you, bless you, and give you another 27 years, fellow Patriots!” —Massachusetts