The Patriot Post® · Raising Boys: A Mother's Thoughts

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

As a mother of four boys, I often think of the current struggles boys and men face. I think about how men have lost their masculinity to make way for progressive feminism. I think of the girl moms who automatically believe that my sons are toxic and that their masculinity is dangerous, so they feel the need to protect their daughters from my sweet, well-behaved boys. Feminists have convinced many that being a man is easy and that men face little to no problems. Once again, feminists have it all wrong.

As a daughter, I have seen the burden a good father carries as he works to provide for his family. Watching your father build a business from nothing but faith in God and the sheer will to financially provide for his family puts fatherhood into perspective. As an adult, I can now appreciate the days our father took us to the park after a 10-hour workday. We didn’t know he was tired.

As a wife, I know the burden a good husband carries as he leads his family through life. A good husband is strong and masculine yet gentle with his wife and children. A husband hides his burdens when necessary to not cause a stir within his household. Husbands always just figure it out.

As a mother, I get to see a boy’s true nature before culture or society gets to him. I see his biological need to be a protector. I get to see his need for adventure and excitement. I experience his masculinity, and it is not toxic.

Feminists like to say that men have it good, but according to The Boys Initiative, for every 100 girls:

  • 140 boys in K-12 public schools are classified as having intellectual disability
  • 223 boys are expelled from public schools
  • 227 boys/men die by opioid overdose
  • 293 boys aged 15-19 commit suicide
  • 1,058 men die on the job
  • 4,102 men died in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • 5,026 men were wounded in action in Afghanistan and Iraq

This report tells us that boys or men may not have it as good as feminists have led us to believe. It is men who struggle the most with mental health. It is men who hold the most dangerous jobs that put their lives at risk every day.

Toxic masculinity does exist. Men who exude toxic masculinity are those who don’t take personal responsibility for their actions. A toxic man will pressure his girlfriend to abort their baby instead of stepping up to provide. A toxic man will leave his family when things get tough. It’s no secret that our culture promotes toxic masculinity. Thankfully, there are parents of boys who understand the great responsibility they have and work hard to instill integrity, responsibility, and faith into their boys.

There are many parents doing the important work of raising the next generation of men who will be husbands, fathers, and leaders. These parents know the great responsibility they have and will make men great again.