The Patriot Post® · California's Goal: Trans Every Child

By Samantha Koch ·

If your child isn’t struggling with her gender identity, or questioning his sexuality, or hasn’t been introduced to the confusing and mind-bending concepts of gender ideology — don’t worry. California is determined to tell every single one of the nearly 10 million kids living there that they can pick their pronouns and gender. This will make the job of teaching about binary sexes and raising a mentally healthy child nearly impossible for even the most committed and hyper-vigilant of parents.

Whether it be school, shopping, entertainment, clothing, or toys — every atmosphere, product, or activity marketed toward children is being targeted to include a message that will steer them in the direction of questioning their gender and introducing them to subject matter that is beyond their ability to comprehend and beyond the ability of their parents to avoid.

According to documents recently obtained by The Daily Wire, a Bay Area school district with nearly 20,000 students uses school hours to point every one of its pupils, regardless of age, toward films that “promote transgenderism and highlight how treatments such as puberty blockers work.”

For once, the Golden State’s educational leaders have found content that they believe should be made child-appropriate. Thus, the introduction of puberty blockers and what they can be used for is presented in a way that paints a positive, child-friendly picture, promising kids that these potent drugs simply give them time to decide when they’re ready for their bodies to change. Unfortunately, the long-term side effects of puberty blockers — such as infertility, stunted growth, underdeveloped reproductive organs, and the suspension of their bodies in a permanent state of prepubescence — are apparently considered inappropriate material for young kids, as none of these potential outcomes are mentioned in the videos.

Not even the toy aisle at their favorite store is free from this awful influence. Outside of the eight hours that California kids spend in the classroom while having ideas about sexuality and drugs forced into their young and impressionable minds, these children will soon be exposed to confusing “gender-neutral” toys.

A law that went into effect on January 1 forces retailers who employ more than 500 people to have a clearly labeled section for gender-neutral toys. And any store that fails to comply will be on the hook for stiff fines.

The sponsor of the bill, the so-called Phluid Project, insisted the measure was necessary. Why? Because, as Just the News reports, “Implying or stating that certain children’s products are only appropriate for certain genders stifles the ability of California’s youth to grow as their authentic selves, reinforces harmful gender stereotypes in the minds of people of all ages, and has measurable mental health implications.”

“Authentic selves”? Who made these people the arbiters of what’s “authentic” in our children?

Never mind the devastating mental and physical consequences that these activist legislators fail to mention to their target audience of young people, who are told that believing is being. They need merely to believe they can become the opposite sex if they simply see it in their mind, and that they can take drugs that stop the crucial stages of growth between childhood and adulthood.

While these radical activists pretend that these measures will foster a future of inclusivity and open-mindedness in their communities, the true agenda of shoe-horning gender ideology into every aspect of our children’s lives is meant to do just the opposite.

As repeatedly demonstrated by now, those who are heavily immersed in this belief system have become some of the biggest bullies, who seem to go out of their way to make the lives of anyone who questions their identity as miserable as possible. They cannot cope with facts about biological sex, and their initial reaction to pushback on their state of delusion is to scream and yell.

The overall goal for those in charge is likely to gain power and money. Who are easier to control than millions of mentally and physically crippled constituents who will eventually beg for government assistance to take care of them because they are incapable of taking care of themselves?