The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Trump’s Big Iowa Win

“This is all meaningless, or should I say, it is important for all the wrong reasons. Dropping out after one state is absurd. The whole primary system is broken. OK, Trump has 50% of the vote. The other 50% could hate him and probably do. DeSantis could get 10% of the vote, but 90% of the people could really like him.
He would be a better candidate. In a primary, let people vote for however many people they want. That’s the only way you will know who the most people support. We’re going to end up with this race being over, and nobody even voted. That is both dumb and wrong.” —Illinois

“Imagine what the world would look like if Trump had been president for the past three years. Biden undid all the good that was accomplished under Trump’s first term — border properly managed; China, Russia, and North Korea staying under control; Iran and associates staying out of the world-destruction business — and the results are evident. Let’s hope it can be repaired.” —Washington

“It doesn’t seem like much has changed to stop election fraud, so why are we banking on voters voting out the tyrants in office? We have to look at this, prevent this, and be prepared with what to do if it happens again. A rigged presidential election is one of the biggest threats to our democracy — and nobody seems to be talking about/investigating the threat of it happening again.” —Tennessee

Re: Is Biden Waking Up on Illegal Immigration?

“The mass immigration into every free nation is merely a deliberate attempt to accelerate the ‘Cloward and Piven Strategy’ as a means to destroy our nation and others from within. What we are seeing is by no means an accident; it is NOT the result of an inept administration, and it is NOT some consequence of a bad border policy. We are being invaded by a force that is intended to overwhelm the system.” —California

Re: How Low Can Joe Go?

“Biden’s 33% approval rating (against 58% disapproval) is the worst posted since George W. Bush’s second term. And that’s with the press constantly propping up Joe, spinning or ignoring his failures and exaggerating the highlights of even mediocre good news, while working with at least as much fervor to tear down GWB or any other Republican president. Imagine how low Biden’s numbers would be were he covered by a neutral press.” —Georgia

Re: White Flight From Military Service

“Without a draft, there is no incentive to join the military. Especially given the notion of ‘white supremacy’ and the toxic DEI policies being foisted on the military. Why would a young person voluntarily commit to being in such a toxic environment for 2-4 years at the risk of life and limb? It didn’t take any courage for our politicians to do away with the draft, and there is most likely a dearth of political courage today to reinstate the draft.” —California

Re: Kerry Heads for Greener Pastures

“No doubt Kerry will soon be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Biden if Joe remembers to show up for the presentation. Kerry is a fraud, and it’s too bad he can’t be charged as such. He’s cost the U.S. billions with his giveaways to ‘developing nations’ while trying to hide his yacht in a state other than where he lives to avoid paying taxes on it. What a guy!” —West Virginia

Re: In Brief: Do Social Media Platforms Own Your Posts, or Do You?

“Social media sites are private companies, unaffected by the First Amendment’s prohibition against government limits on speech. Section 230 protected them from liability on the assumption that it was impossible for them to cleanse all content of anything that might be potentially dangerous. But social media sites have in recent years demonstrated that they are now both willing and able to ‘police’ content. That cuts both ways: a choice to ban some content implies a choice NOT to ban other content. They should not be allowed to hide behind Section 230 protections the next time a mob plans a riot on their sites, but be considered criminally and financially liable, full accessories before the fact.” —Georgia

Re: A Walk on the Prairie

“A beautiful narrative, reminding all of us that there is life and history beyond the crowds, cement, and asphalt of the eastern and western cities. A writer from Nebraska, C.J. Petit, has written more than 80 novels about life on these prairies and along the Rockies in his series of generational books. Petit presents a vivid picture of what life must have been like in the years 1864 to 1898. God bless all these folks for the mental illustrations and pictures they depict for us.” —Massachusetts

“Many could not and would not understand the prairie life and farm life. My North Dakota days are history but never to be forgotten. Many folks have told me they found the area barren and desolate. They can’t see what many of us who loved the land saw and appreciated.” —North Carolina

Re: Profiles of Valor: Maj. James Howard

“From the American Revolution forward, if young people do not know or understand American history, as you have just illustrated using Major Howard as an example, we are proverbially lost to the dustbin of history.” —Massachusetts

“Thanks for the reminder. As a kid, I read a lot about fighter pilots in WWII and it helped motivate me to become one. After I became a fighter pilot (A-10 & F-16), I gained a lot more respect for each and every one of them who went before me.” —Georgia

“What a great American hero (and fellow Naval Aviator). I’d not heard his story before but look forward to reading Roar of the Tiger.” —Colorado