The Patriot Post® · Omar Pledges Allegiance to Somalia

By Douglas Andrews ·

Ilhan Omar — Jew-hater, terrorist sympathizer, skirter of our immigration laws, home-wrecker, supplier of millions of dollars to her husband’s consulting firm — may have finally gone too far.

Omar, a hard-left House Democrat and “Squad” member who represents Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, delivered a speech on Saturday at the Hyatt Regency in Minneapolis, but we suspect she wasn’t counting on it being translated from Somali and published in English on the Internet. That was her first mistake.

Her second mistake was speaking in a way that can only be described as nakedly anti-American. Here’s a sample:

The U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders, and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia. We Somalians must have the confidence in ourselves that we call the shots in the U.S. … As Somalis, one day, we will go after our missing territories.“

Let that sink in: Omar thinks the U.S. takes its orders from Somalia.

Attorney Marina Medvin posted this translation of Omar’s speech. As Medvin observed: "Ilhan Omar, an American congresswoman, tells Somalians that she is Somalian first, Muslim second, and … [no, American wasn’t even mentioned]. Oh, and she says that her primary job in Congress is to protect Somali interests.” (Brackets in original.)

Omar seemed to take issue with the translation. “It’s not only slanted but completely off,” she posted, “but I wouldn’t expect more from these propagandists. I pray for them and for their sanity. … Somalis in Somalia and in the diaspora are united … and I stand in solidarity with them. No amount of harassment and lies will ever change that.”

How refreshing it would be for Omar to just once say she stands in solidarity with her fellow Americans. Heck, it’s as if she isn’t even American after all.

Incidentally, Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000. As part of that process, she would’ve taken the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America. That oath reads as follows:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

It’s impossible to read that part about “absolutely and entirely [renouncing] … all allegiance and fidelity to any … state, or sovereignty … of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen” and not come to the conclusion that Omar has broken this solemn pledge.

“One thing about that Ilhan Omar clip,” says blogger Matt Walsh, “is that she speaks with such pride and admiration for the failed state of Somalia, a country that contributes nothing of significance to the world besides piracy and terrorism. Our representatives rarely speak that way about our own nation. Omar certainly doesn’t. But few of them do. Maybe we should ask ourselves why we keep electing people who can’t muster the same affinity for our country that Somalian refugees have for the country they fled from.”

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, a fellow Minnesotan, is hardly a bomb-thrower. Yet he didn’t hold back on his congressional colleague: “Ilhan Omar’s appalling, Somalia-first comments are a slap in the face to the Minnesotans she was elected to serve and a direct violation of her oath of office,” he said. “She should resign in disgrace.”

As The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson writes: “In light of Omar’s candidness, it’s fair to ask: Why is she allowed to serve in Congress? Why is she even allowed to remain in the United States? Omar is an immigrant and a U.S. citizen, but clearly she is not an American. She appears to have no allegiance to her adopted country — a country that took her in, sheltered and protected her, provided a safe haven from the chaos and violence of her homeland, and elevated her to a position of power and influence.”

Omar should’ve been thrown out of the country when it became clear that she’d made a mockery of our immigration laws by marrying her brother to get him into the country. She’s a lawmaker, and yet she flouts our laws.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who once served in Congress with Omar, would seem to agree. “Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!” he said in one of the pithiest posts you’ll ever see from a politician.

Ultimately, it’ll be the Democrats who need to police their own. But if they’re unwilling to do so, if they’re unwilling to boot Ilhan Omar from Congress, then they deserve every bit of disgrace and embarrassment that comes their way.