The Patriot Post® · For a Time Such as This

By Roger Helle ·

The story of Esther in the Old Testament has an interesting twist. Esther, a Jew, became queen in the court of Persian King Ahasuerus. When her uncle, Mordecai, learned of a plot to exterminate all the Jews throughout the Persian Empire, he informed Esther of the pending doom.

Esther told Mordecai she had not been summoned by the king for some time. Going into the court uninvited could mean death. Mordecai assured her that deliverance for the Jews would come either way because they were God’s people. “Maybe,” Mordecai said, God called her to be queen “for a time such as this.” Esther prayed, fasted, and went before the King, and the plot was exposed. And, as they say, “the rest is history.”

Personally, I believe we are living in another time of threat to God’s people, Christians and Jews around the world. Israel is threatened by terrorists who want to wipe out the Jewish people, chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” They don’t want their own land, they want Israel’s land — minus the Jews. No amount of parsing words from Muslim shills like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib changes the true meaning. The goal is to wipe out the Jewish nation.

Only in America do we elect to Congress those who want to destroy the country they’ve sought refuge in. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are land the Israelis gave to the Arabs because the world pressured them to give land for peace. How’s that working out? Only college students whose minds are filled with mush can be persuaded to chant genocide of an entire people and think they’re on the right side of history.

For years now, the Jew-haters have been calling the Jewish people colonists and occupiers of their own land. The old adage still holds: Tell a lie long enough, and eventually, people will believe it. Forget the nation’s 4,000-year history. Even if we only go back 2,000 years to the historical crucifixion of Jesus, it’s still the land of the Jews. If you know history, England, during World World I, signed the Belfour Declaration in 1917, establishing support for a home for the Jewish people in Palestine.

For years, God’s favor was on Great Britain, until it was not. At the end of World War II, after liberating concentration camps from the Germans, the world discovered the horror of Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews. Jews began to leave Europe for Palestine, but in the former concentration camps, Britain refused to allow the Jews in the camps to leave for Palestine. They were not treated like before, but they were still more or less imprisoned.

President Harry Truman, when he discovered the tragedy unfolding, urged the prime minister in backchannel communication to release the Jews. The response was, Mind your own business. Truman’s response was to release to the media the report of England’s tactics. The Jews were subsequently allowed to leave, and the sun began to set on the British Empire.

America is one of Israel’s true allies. If Biden betrays Israel for votes in the upcoming election, we will experience the same fate. God said in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you.”

It’s time America stands up for Israel, or we will be the next “former great nation.”

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis