The Patriot Post® · Google's Gemini AI and Anti-White Bias

By Douglas Andrews ·

Ask Google’s brand-new Gemini AI project for an image of a Founding Father, and it spits out a black guy with a powdered wig in a Continental Army uniform. Ask for an image of a Nazi, and it serves up yet another black guy — or maybe an Asian woman in gray Wehrmacht gear. Anything but a blond-haired, blue-eyed master-racer. Ask for an image of the pope, and you might just get the world’s first female pontiff of color.

What an abject embarrassment for the company that long ago jettisoned its “Don’t Be Evil” motto.

And this is all because Google is an evil, hard-left company, and, more specifically, because its Gemini Experiences Senior Director of Product Management, Jack Krawczyk, is an anti-white racist clown. “White privilege is f***ing real,” he once shrieked on Twitter. “Do your part in recognizing bias at all levels of egregious.”

Talk about egregious. Krawczyk seems bent on disappearing white people in much the same way today’s TV commercials have done it. But now that he’s been exposed, he’s scrambling: “We’re working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately,” Krawczyk said. “Gemini’s AI image generation does generate a wide range of people. And that’s generally a good thing because people around the world use it. But it’s missing the mark here.”

You’re telling us. Gemini, Google says, is thus paused until further notice.

This brings us to the broader question of social engineering: Why does the Left insist on creating a reality that doesn’t exist? To be sure, it isn’t just Google. Anyone who’s paid attention to television advertising during the past 30 years or so has seen this same effort at work. Do corporate advertisers and their agencies believe that by overpopulating their ads with black actors, they can somehow atone for the sins of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow Eagle? Are they terrified of being called out as racists?

Why, for example, does Jake Version 2.0 from those tiresome State Farm commercials behave like a late-1980s “Cosby Show” reject? Where’s the hip-hop? Where’s the authenticity? Are these advertisers insistent on ramming “diversity” down our throats?

In a word, yes.

Why does every TV ad featuring a friend group of more than two people absolutely positively have to have a black person in it? What are the odds that a white guy’s two best football-watching buddies are a black guy and an Asian guy?

And why does every other couple in a TV ad have to be biracial? Are white people who marry other white people to be looked down upon? Are they less virtuous for having fallen in love with another person who happens to be white? According to the U.S. Census, the nation’s percentage of interracial or interethnic households grew from 7.4% to 10.2% from 2000 to 2012-2016. So why don’t TV commercials reflect this ratio, this reality?

Why is it that seemingly every other couple is interracial rather than every tenth one? It seems to us that this is — aside from a socially engineered effort to depict a world that doesn’t exist and isn’t necessarily any better or worse than the one that does exist — racial discrimination against white actors and actresses. Where’s the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission when we need it? We thought it was responsible “for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex,” and on and on and on.

Here’s what Mr. Racial Jungle You Ain’t Black Gonna Put Y'all Back In Chains himself had to say about it in June 2021, when he was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to pander to blacks and shame whites at the 100-year anniversary of a notorious racial massacre:

Although I have no scientific basis for what I’m about to say, but those of you who are over 50, how often did you ever see advertisements on television with black and white couples? Not a joke. I challenge you, find today when you turn on the stations, sit on one station for two hours, and I don’t how many commercials you’ll see, 8:00 to 5:00. Two to three out of five have mixed race couples in them. That’s not by accident. They’re selling soap, man. Not a joke. Remember old [Democrat pollster] Pat Caddell used to say, “You want to know what’s happening in American culture? Watch advertising.” Because they want to sell what they have.

Astonishingly, Biden is right about the desire of advertisers to sell their wares — whether they be hamburgers or homes in retirement communities. As then-Power Line blogger Paul Mirengoff wrote at the time: “Biden is telling the truth here. And that truth is inconsistent with the falsehoods of BLM and critical race theory. Sure, virtue signaling accounts in part for the number of interracial couples in commercials. That number, by the way, is ‘inequitable’ because interracial coupling, though not uncommon (a good thing), is far less prevalent in real life than in commercials. Commercials as a whole don’t ‘look like America.’”

Mirengoff continues: “But, as Biden says, advertising is still about selling. If America had an ‘implicit bias’ problem, you wouldn’t see so many ads with black/white couples. You would hardly see any. So too, if America had a ‘systemic racism’ problem or, indeed, a serious problem of ordinary racism.”

And that’s the key point, isn’t it? When it comes to racism, we butt up against an economic incongruity — which is why hate crimes are, far more often that not, found to be fake, especially on college campuses. When it comes to racism, the demand for it far outstrips the supply.

And yet, despite this encouraging economic reality, the cultural Marxists will continue apace on their Long March through the institutions. Because if America isn’t the white-supremacist hellhole that the Left wants us to believe it is, then the Racial Industrial Complex has no reason for being.